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Glass Dildos For Beginners

Glass Dildos For Beginners - Sh! Women's Store

Few will disagree when we say glass dildos are stunningly beautiful, but many folks will wince and imagine glass-related accidents in the sensitive nether regions. Let’s shatter (sorry!) that mental pic right now. Your PC muscle may be strong enough to squeeze the juice out of a lemon (don’t try it), but it is not strong enough to break a glass dildo, we promise.

A vagina is mighty impressive, but there are some things it just cannot do. Like snap a Pyrex or toughened glass dildo in half. Glass dildos are solid (like oven dishes), so it’s safe to relax and read on.

Glass dildos are firm, and this firmness can feel magical – especially if you enjoy G-spot play. We recommend starting off with this simple move: Lube up the dildo, and slide in only a small portion. Leave the dildo in place, and rhythmically squeeze your vagina around it. Your body will tell you when it is ready for more.

Glass dildos are versatile sex toys

Glass dildos are commonly designed with two non-identical ends, giving you the option of enjoying different sensations depending on which end you choose to play with. The Sh! Glass Double Dildo in pink is an excellent example of this.

This sexy toy features a pronounced ‘head’ on one end and a ball-shaped bead at the other. Both are ideal for delivering the targeted massage and circular ‘juicing’ movements that both the G-Spot and prostate respond to, whilst the lengthy shaft ensures easy handling.

Sensual curves flow along the body of the Sh! Double Dildo, treating you to sweet sensations as the vagina opens and closes around the ripples

Pink glass dildo with beads and ripples along the shaft

Our most popular glass dildos

Sh! G-spot Glass Dildo is as popular with customers as it is with staff. At only 1 inch in diameter, this dildo is slim but curvaceous. Perfect if you prefer petite sex toys!

Its ergonomically curved tip is designed to stimulate your G-spot but is equally suited for prostate pleasure massage.

If you are interested in exploring female ejaculation & squirting, this well-designed dildo can help you on your way. The G-spot reacts better to firm stimulation than the soft pitter-patter of fingertips, and the weightiness of glass dildos delivers this in spades!

Glass Dildo with beaded shaft

Sh! Small Ripple Glass Dildo is a good option if you feel the length of some of the dildos seems a little intimating. As we all know, it’s not the size of the boat; it’s the motion of the ocean…

Subtle beads ripple along the shaft of this cutie, and the large loop handle on the end ensures it is perfectly safe for anal play too.

It’s worth noting that whilst a more petite size, Sh! Ripple Dildo isn’t suited for newbie anal play. Due to its thickness and rigidity, it is better suited for more experienced back-door players.

Pink glasas dildo with ripples and a large loop handle

Sh! Double Glass Dildo offers two very different types of pleasure. One end is smooth and sleek, perfect for stroking in and out. The other end has been designed for contrasting sensations, with raised dots delivering intense pleasure. Slather the glass dots in your favourite lubricant, and this dildo may well become a new toy-box favourite!

a clear glass dildo with non-identical ends

Sex tips for glass dildos: Ice Ice Baby!

Unless you love intense heat (and some do), keeping cool during a heatwave is probably a priority. Cool showers, iced drinks and fans are the most common go-to solutions, but what if there were more fun ways of keeping the internal temperature down?

Good news, people: Glass dildos are fantastic for temperature play!

Leaving a glass dildo in the fridge for 30 minutes before playtime will cool it down nicely. The thought may send shivers down your spine – but as long as they are from the promise of sexy play, it’s all good. Slowly stroking a chilled dildo down your hot body feels heavenly on a scorching day.

Running a glass toy under cold water is another sensual tip. It cools down quickly, and you’ll get the added tease of waterdrops slowly making their way down your naked body – incredibly visual if you’re playing with a partner!

A gentler way of exploring temperature play is to leave your bottle of lube in the fridge. That way you can add one or two drops at a time and see how you feel about the coolness before going the whole hog and feasting on a chill-dil.

Glass Dildos in Bucket of Ice

We don't recommend popping a dildo in the freezer. The glass, if thoroughly frozen, could attach to your sensitive bits and there is absolutely nothing sexy about that.

Lube for glass dildos

As with all sex toys, we recommend adding a drizzle of lube for comfortable play and enhanced sensations. Adding a few drops quickly turns your dildo into a slippery, sensual sex siren. As glass is non-porous, any lubricant you like can be used:

How to clean sex toys made of glass

Sex toys made of glass are hypoallergenic and non-porous. This means that lube and bodily fluids won't sink into the surface of the toy - it washes right off! A spritz of sex toy cleaner or washing with antibacterial hand wash and hot water is all you need to keep your glass dildo spick & span.

Curious? Browse all our glass dildos here.

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