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Meet Team Sh!

Meet Team Sh! - Sh! Women's Store

Female Pleasure Pioneers, Since 1992

Whether delivering tailored advice and top service, creating gorgeous Sh! own-brand range or pioneering new ways to spread our message, we're all passionate about the empowering ethos at the core of our independent, women-run company...

Ky: Founder & Chief Liberator

How long been a member of Team Sh!: All my life!
Specialist Knowledge: Talking to women about their sexual concerns - the highs and the lows - has given me a unique insight into how female sexuality has changed over the last 30+ years
Best Sh! Moment: Handing over a little pressie to Cherie Blair in the hallowed rooms of No 10 (...and getting it past security!)
Fave Toy: It's got to be Jessica Rabbit for the amazing pleasure it's given to soooooooo many women.
Likes: Chocolate and red wine (together), being barefoot, indulgent baths with wine, candles and company...
Dislikes: Judgemental people, gooseberries, carpets in bathrooms
Dreams of: The Sh! Foundation
Motto for Life: Life is short. Break the rules. Forgive quickly. Kiss slowly. Love truly. Laugh uncontrollably. Never regret anything that made you smile. Sail away from the safe harbour. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover… (courtesy of Mark Twain)



Sophie: Dream Facilitator & Chief Bean Counter

How long been a member of Team Sh!: All the years! Facilitating the company visionary!
Specialist knowledge: Finance, IT, logistics, sex toys and their manufacture.
Best Sh! Moment: Winning the court case
bought against us for running a sex shop without a license - a lot of bubbles were drunk that day!
Fave Toy: Sh! Super Strapless - oh yeah!
Likes: Fast Cars, rich food, my garden, my creatures & aaaaaah my Mrs!
Dislikes: Bad service, bad drivers, rudeness, laziness and people who litter!
Dreams of: Sh!'s first pink forklift truck loading deliveries for all over the world.
Motto for Life: Do your best

Aphra: Operations Manager & Strict Stock Controller;)

Aphra - Sh! Women's Store Ops mnager
How long a member of Team Sh!: At least 2 decades
Specialist Knowledge: All things Sh! workshop
Memorable Sh! Moment: Sophie covered in red pigment because 'someone' forgot to put the lid back on!
Likes: Gardening, my animals & my job
Dislikes: Bad manners & waste
Dreams of: That pink forklife and Sh! being a household name
Motto for Life: Enjoy!!

Yakkorro: Silicone Artist & Leather Creator

How Long a Member of Team Sh!: Since September 2005
Specialist Knowledge: More a gift really - somehow my marbled dildos all come out with gorgeous patterns in them!
Most memorable Sh! Moment: Learning to work the silicone de-airing chamber - it's a monster!
Fave Toy: One of my very own creations - a red & gold marbled Honey 1 dildo
Likes: Sleeping all day
Dislikes: Stinky people
Dreams of: Being a millionaire
Motto for Life: Time is money!!!

Renée Award-Winning Manager, Sex Toy & Sexuality Health Expert 

How long been a member of Team Sh!: Since May 2007
Specialist knowledge: I have my fingers in many pies!
Most memorable Sh! Moment: When the MD called to offer me the job – I almost wet myself with excitement! And - winning the ETO Magazine Best Store Manager Award 2014 *and* 2015 - woop!!
Fave toy: The Sh! Glass G-spot Dildo…and lube. Lots of lube! You can never have too much lube.
Likes: Sunshine, soap bubbles, scented candles and my furries
Dislikes: Rudeness and dirty nails
Dreams of: Living by the sea and writing a bestseller
Motto for life: The cream always rises to the top

Evie: Sex Educator & Bringer of Good Vibes

How long been a member of Team Sh!: Since 2016
Specialist knowledge: Baking and making vagina shaped things
Most memorable Sh! Moment: When someone who comes to Sh! feeling nervous and shy but leaves feeling happy and empowered. That’s a brilliant feeling.
Fave toy: Satisfyer
... and all of the lingerie and body jewellery!
Likes: Christmas, snow and listing seasonal things
Dislikes: Brussel sprouts
Dreams of: Having clean clothes without having to wash them
Motto for life: Always know where the biscuits are kept.

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