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Discreet Packaging

Sh! by Name, Sh! by Nature... 

The package you receive from Sh! will be totally secure and discreet - no one will know what's in it!

Depending on what you order your goodies will be sent in either a strong padded jiffy bag or strong carton box

  • Any toy that could be felt through a jiffy bag (ie an unboxed dildo) is sent in a carton.
  • Any toy that's too big for a carton, but could possible be felt through a jiffy (ie a double dildo in clamshell packaging) is disguised with extra padding/bubbblewrap.

They will be sealed and further taped with clear, very strong packing tape to absolutely secure any openings.

There is never any indication of the contents.

The Sh! name DOES NOT appear anywhere on the package.

There is only a tiny return address on the side of the address label. 

sh! parcel no indication of name

If you'd like to ask us anything more about our discreet packaging or privacy policy, please get in touch!