A Brief Herstory Of Dildos
Dildos are the oldest sex toys known to womankind and have a long, distinguished, and global history.
The origins of the word "Dildo" are thought to derive from 'dilatare, Latin for 'to open wide' and/or the Italian 'diletto' meaning 'delight.'
The oldest known dildo was found in Germany. The highly polished stone dildo was 7.5 inches long and over 28,000 years old.
The stone schlong was discovered in Hohle Fels Cave near Ulm, Swabia, by a Tübingen University team.
Professor Nicholas Conard, from the university's snappily-named department of Early Prehistory and Quaternary Ecology, explained the excitement to the BBC thus: "Female representations with highly accentuated sexual attributes are very well documented at many sites, but male representations are very, very rare."

The Kama Sutra, the ancient Indian sex manual, mentions dildos made of gold, silver, and buffalo horn.
Dildos made of leather and wood were worn by actors in classical Greek theatre where they were referred to as 'oblisbos'.
The ancient Greeks were the first to believe that sexual frustration caused 'hysteria' (literally 'wandering uterus') in women; dildos were thought to be given to women, whose husbands were away at war for long periods. as a cure for hysteria.
Why Use A Dildo?
Dildos are 'delightful open-widers' for many reasons, and we've listed some of them for you:
- The vagina expands during sexual arousal and the right-sized dildo can provide feelings of fullness and pressure.
- A dildo can provide the special shape and firm stimulation the G-spot (part of the internal clitoral structure) loves so much.
- A dildo offers alternative pleasures on top of fingers or penises - we really can have it all!
- Whether an expert or a newcomer to anal play, a dildo is a safe, sensual, and size-friendly choice.
- A dildo is THE ultimate safe-sex partner. A dildo requires nothing but your pleasure, is great to experiment with, and can be a real confidence-boosting tool if you're in any way uneasy about penetration...
Our Top 3 Silicone Dildos are:
Cupid 3 Best Selling Silicone Dildo
Wirly 2 Slim Silicone Dildo
Duchess Silicone Dildo
Sh! dildos start from as small and slim as a finger because penetrative pleasures should be available to all, whatever your size preferences.
Our dildos aren't 'realistic', but are simply beautiful playthings, designed for pleasure.
Why We Don't Stock 'Realistic' Dildos
For such fab playthings with such a long and noble history, dildos still struggle with an image problem, which swings between the comic and the pornographic.
Most mass-produced dildos are pretty scary representations of the male member in two sizes only; large and extra-large.

We don't stock these 'realistic' dildos at Sh! because, quite apart from being ugly and old-school, we know that 'large' and 'XL' most definitely does not fit all!