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Secure Payments | Sh! Women's Erotic Emporium

We use only the most secure and trusted online payment systems to take your payment. To reassure you that your online purchases with Sh! Womenstore are safe and secure, we’ve outlined some details about the systems we use.


If you choose to pay by credit or debit card, Sh! Will ask you to enter your details at checkout. Your payment is then taken by SAGE PAY. Sh! Womenstore don’t even see your credit card details when you buy from us, let alone store them. SagePay is trusted by thousands of online shopping businesses, and provides a secure payment service for millions of transactions each year.

All sensitive data is secured using the same internationally recognised 256-bit encryption standards used by, among others, the US Government. SagePay’s encryption system is looked after by amazingly secure, tamper proof software which is the same as global company VeriSign use, making data nearly 100% possible to extract.


If you choose to pay for your Sh! Purchase by PayPal you will be directed out of the Sh! site and into the PayPal site. Customers who hold a PayPal account can pay for their Sh! Purchase with their PayPal balance or linked bank account. Every single PayPal transaction is covered with PayPal buyer protection to prevent fraudulent use of your account.

PayPal uses SSL technology to keep your information safe. It is important to return to the Sh! Womenstore site to confirm your order. During checkout on the Sh! website, you will notice the all-important locked padlock icon on the Sh! URL address bar of your browser. This indicates that the page is secure and you can enter your personal & payment details securely.

Our secure server scrambles your personal information, including credit or debit card number, name and address, before it is sent over the Internet. Your details are scrambled using 1024-bit Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) encryption.

Sh! Womenstore can’t see your financial information, let alone store it. As for your personal details, like address & email that we will use to send out your online order and to stay in touch with you, we are registered with Data Protection and comply within its strict rules about the safe storage of personal data.