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Reusable Menstrual Cup: 2 Sizes

Regular price £24.00
Regular price Sale price £24.00


• Do away with tampons or pads altogether!

• Environmentally & purse-friendly

• Mooncup holds 30ml of fluid, - approx 1/3 of total blood released during average period

• Medical grade silicone

• 2 sizes

Mooncup is a reusable menstrual cup around two inches long and made from soft silicone rubber. It is worn internally like a tampon, but simply collects menstrual fluid rather than absorbing. Unlike tampons, the Mooncup is not a disposable product, so you only need to buy one, making it a eco-friendly alternative to tampons.

Mooncup comes in 2 sizes:

  • Small Mooncup (B) is recommended for first-timers, women who have not given birth (or who have had a cesarean section) or aged below 30.
  • Regular Mooncup (A) is recommended for women who have given birth vaginally or who are aged 30 or above.

Both can be trimmed to the length that is right for you.

The smooth surface of the Mooncup allows the mucus membranes of your vaginal wall to continue their essential cleansing and protective functions. A menstrual cup does not absorb your body's natural defence mechanisms and will not deposit fibres in your vaginal wall.

For your safety this product is made from a special medical grade non-allergic silicone. Silicone is derived from silica which is one of the most abundant minerals on earth.

Mooncup will not cause irritation and is suitable for women with sensitive skin, thrush, eczema or allergy.

The Mooncup will hold 30ml of fluid, - roughly one third of the average total produced each period. A light seal is formed with your vaginal walls allowing your menstrual fluid to pass into the Mooncup without leakage or odour. You will probably find that you need to empty your Mooncup less frequently than you currently replace towels or tampons.

Unlike pads and tampons the Mooncup menstrual cup is reusable, eliminating the need to carry bulky spares. With proper care your Mooncup will last for several years.

Imagine the towels and tampons that you will be disposing of in landfill sites during those years!

Customer Reviews

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Mooncup is completely hidden, so no strings to get in the way during oral sex :)

The Mooncup can be cleaned in the same way as baby equipment: with sterilising fluid, or by boiling for five minutes in an open pan of water.

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Customer Reviews

Based on 10 reviews

A more environmentally friendly alternative to the pads - although it takes time and practice to get accustomed to, especially if you never worn tampons


I've had my moon cup for about 3 years now, and have recommended it to pretty much every woman I know. It sounds very technical, but it's so simple. You put it in, and then a couple of times a day you take it out, rinse it, and put it back in again. It sounds yucky, but after a couple of tries, you get the hang of it, and although you can see the blood (like you would on a tampon) you don\'t have to get up close and personal with it. I swear my vagina thanks me every time I use it. It is all soft and gentle, not like a tampon, which tugs and pulls, and gets itself in all the wrong places. Aside from the comfort factor, it is unbelievably practical. It's so easy to pop it in your bag when you go on holiday, and you don't need to worry about finding a chemist in a strange town when all the shops are shut! You also don't have to worry about TSS and if it's not convenient to empty it, you can just wait until it is, simple as that. It does come with instructions, and it really isn't as scary as it looks. It has helped me with my cramps, and means that I actually look forward to my period, so that I can be reunited with my moon cup. It is very different from what we are used to, but lets face it, tampons and sanitary towels are not ideal solutions, why not celebrate your body with a moon cup?


I was a die-hard non-applicator tampon fan, even changing to unbleached organic tampons when they became easily available in the UK. And then I discovered the Mooncup and have never looked back. It does look kinda scary and can be uncomfortable initially, but practice puts paid to those problems quickly. There are any number of mooncup/cup support groups on the web offering advice on different techniques on insertion and removal that if the technique on the enclosed leaflet doesn\'t work for you, you can easily find a method that does. I\'m short coupled (to the gratutude of my gynacologist LOL) so I trimmed the stem off completely because I really didn't like the feel of the stem poking between my lips. Fortunately the ridges on the base of the cup gives a good surface to grab hold on for removal. It's easy to clean with a quick rinse, or empty and wipe if you don't want to parade it in public. And depending on your flow, you can keep it in longer than you would a tampon, which can be a bonus in some circumstances! I have noticed that the cup discolours over time, but that doesn't really make any difference to how well it performs. I\'ve also noticed that regardless of how well I clean my cup, it sometimes starts to smell funky towards the end of my period, even if my flow doesn't, though you can\'t smell anything when it's inside. However I've found that a bicarb bath or leaving it in daylight for a day or so removes all odor, so it's nice and fresh for the next period. :) Apparently you can make love while wearing it, but if it's full expect leakage. We tried it once and my beloved scraped his sensitive man-head against the trimmed part of my cup. I have no idea how he managed to scratch himself on sillicone but at least we learnt. :) Another bonus I've noticed that since using the mooncup I very rarely get thrush. It was almost a given that using tampons would result in the occasional flare-up, but not anymore. Thank goodness for that. :) So, if you're thinking of giving the mooncup a whirl, please do. Especially if you already use tampons or are not squeamish about touching your womanly bits, because you'll become more familiar with your insides than you thought possible. And you'll save money not having to buy tampons/pads, and you\'ll also do your bit for the enviroment by not filling landfill with waste. The Mooncup is so good I almost look forward to my period each month now. :)


Simply the best purchase ever. Aince I started using it (almost one year ago) I blessed every day the friend who first told me about the mooncup. I am sure I already saved the 20


I purchased a mooncup over a year ago and have used it for every subsequent period. I was initially dubius about so foreign a looking product, however, it sits inside the vagina, just like a tampon, although a little lower, with the small 'spout', for want of a better word, resting just inside your lips. To pull it out, you pull this 'spout' down, and it comes out easily with any blood sitting inside the cup. Then it is just a case of up-ending it into the toilet to empty, and rinsing it under the tap before reinserting. Its very light and the cup is flexible, squishy even, so its easy to insert, flexes when its inside so you don't notice it, and disappears into your handbag when its no longer required. The biggest advantages are, that it doesn't need emptying anywhere near as frequently as a tampon has to be changed; its considerably more comfortable; it doesnt leak (like towels do) or let blood seep through (like tampons do); and because its inside you when you go out there's no requirement to carry spares; and finally you wont have to spend any more money on sanitary products, I haven't spent any money on sanitary products since I purchased it. I have found this to be an EXCEPTIONAL PRODUCT. When I used to use tampons, I found that they left my pussy feeling dried out, something that often then led to cistitis, or a feeling of not being entirely comfortable, irritated even. Because the mooncup still allows the production of vaginal mucus, things feel normal throughout my period, and I haven't had any of the post period dryness. Also, because the vaginal fluids arent being absorbed, its also possible to continue getting really wet when turned on or coming, and with no telltale bit of string hanging out, as long as its not pentrative, sex is definately still on the menu. I would seriously recommend this product to any female, it delivers everything it says, makes your period more manageable, comfortable, and economical; and alleviates all the negatives of other products. In essence it is an unflawed product, well worth every penny.


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