Fluctuating Desire Workshop with Meg-John Barker & Justin Hancock
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Fluctuating Desire Workshop with Meg-John Barker & Justin Hancock

Fluctuating Desire Workshop with Meg-John Barker & Justin Hancock - Sh! Women's Store
We often get the message that we should have a consistent amount of sexual desire in our relationships. People fear that it's a sign of trouble if their desires change, or if they have different amounts of desire to their partner. Actually it's totally normal for our amount, and type, of desire, to change over time. And different amounts and types of desire are to be expected in relationships.

Join Meg-John Barker and Justin Hancock for an enlightening and reaffirming workshop on fluctuating desire.

This workshop takes you through how to navigate fluctuations and discrepancies in desire, focusing on being with ourselves where we are and expanding our erotic imaginations.
MEg-John & Justin

When: Tuesday 19th September at 6:30pm

Price: £15  | The price includes a copy of their new book Enjoy Sex (How, when and if you want to): A Practical and Inclusive Guide

Book Here: M-J & J at Sh! 

Alternatively, call 0207-6135458, quoting Fluctuating Desire Workshop. Payment at time of booking please. Please note, refunds will only be given to any cancellations notified 7 days or more in advance of the workshop taking place.


Enjoy Sex Book

More About Dr. Meg-John Barker:

Meg-John has studied sex and relationships academically for a similar length of time, as well as working as a sex and relationship therapist, and doing a lot of activism in this area. You can find their solo website over on Rewriting-the-Rules.

More About Justin Hancock

Justin has been a sex educator for a couple of decades, working with young people in schools, youth clubs, and clinics. He also trains other sex educators and runs the BishUK website and also now offers a one-to-one consultation service where you can get advice from him in person.

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