Cool Sex Toys for Summer
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Cool Sex Toys for Summer

The Sh! Girlz are beginning to feel the heat here - it's looking like being a scorching summer, so we've been checking out our shelves for some cool sex toys bring the temperature down... [caption id="Elodie Ceramic Dildo" align="alignright" width="150"]Ceramic Didlo Elodie Ceramic Dildo[/caption] 1 Elodie Lovemoiselle Ceramic Dildo The Sh! Girlz havn't seen quite such a sexy ceramic dildo before! The Elodie by Lovemoiselle is extra-good for hot weather - not only does ceramic carry cool temperatures really well, but the Elodie can be filled with chilled water and chilled in the fridge before use for an extra cool sex toy sensations! Elodie is also extra solid, and great for those who like a very firm toy... 2. Touche Ice Vibrator The Touche Ice Vibrator is a uniquely cool clit-toy! If you love ice-cubes, this is a fantastic toy for you - it's the world's first freezable ice vibrator, so you get all the shiver of ice cubes, plus a very sexy buzz! It's a great toy for all over, too - fantastic for an icy foot massage, or for gentle teasing of nipples... 3. Cooling lubes and lotions Frissonne Moi is a great cooling enhancer - it gives you a pleasant tingling, cooling feeling, and it smells really yummy and minty! We also love Durex Ice for cooling play in the heat. It's freezable and when it melts it doubles as a condom-safe lube and massage oil - great to cool you down on a hot day. [caption id="Don wands Glass Dildo" align="alignleft" width="150"]Don Wands Glass Dildo Don Wands Glass Dildo[/caption] 4. Bow Nipple Pasties Silicone Nipple Pasties are great for the warm weather. They're a cool and comfy alternative to a bra, and look very sexy under a thin dress! You can wear them at the beach, and they even stay on in water so they're great for swimming. Also, they're ideal for a strapless tan! 5. Glass Dildos Glass dildos are fantastic - they're extra firm and smooth, provide very focussed stimulation, and they can be cooled down to deliciously low temperatuers. Try popping it in the fridge, or uunder the cold tap, before playing to see how nicely these cool sex toys carry temperature. They're also completely waterproof, so can be enjoyed in a cool bath or shower if you fancy! So, there's our top five for this summer - enjoy!

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