International Womens Day is celebrated worldwide on the 8th of March each year, to promote equality for all women and to celebrate the acheivements that the movement for women's equality has made.
Events are held throughout the world, from Afghanistan to Zambia, and Sh! is proud to be a part of it!
You can check out the events being held for International Womens Day below and find more info here.
ActionAid is also inviting women to join their Get Lippy! campaign, speaking out for women's rights and supporting campaigns for equality.
Sh! will be celebrating International Women’s Day by giving each woman who enters our stores on 8th March an ‘Essensual Women’s Kit’, consisting of a selection of condoms and lubes, and that all-essential bit of chocolate for afters..!
We're proud to be a part of liberating women's sexuality and providing our lovely ladiez with the knowledge and toys to enjoy their sexuality. Here's a big Sh! shout-out to our sisters around the globe working for women's rights, equality, and a better future for all our daughters.
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