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Q&A: Is it safe to put food in my vagina?

Q&A: Is it safe to put food in my vagina?

Hi Sh!

OK, this may seem like the weirdest/dumbest question of all time, but is it ok to put things like fruit or chocolate in my vagina? I've played around with it before. But are there like guidelines? Would fruit have pesticides? What is safe for me to put in my vagina? I don't even know who to ask. Love, L.

Hey L,

There are no dumb questions - this is actually a great question! Any A&E nurse will tell you folks put all sorts of things inside themselves without first considering safety.

As a side note, the main reason folks find themselves at A&E is an item has been sucked up by their bum (so not their vagina). If you’re going to put something into your butt, make sure it has a safe handle or a flared base.

But we digress. Let’s get back to your vagina: you’re right to be cautious about pesticides and chemicals.

Remove chemicals and pesticides by soaking your sexy vegetable in a solution of 10% vinegar + 90% water before rinsing it in clean water. Rinsing is likely to remove all vinegar residue, but remember that all fruit & veg have their own alkaline and acidity levels. This can cause irritation, and it's never good to disrupt the delicate vaginal PH balance.

There are also issues around putting anything sugary inside your vagina. Sugar, including natural fruit sugars, can upset the natural balance and help create an environment where yeast infections such as thrush can spring to life.

Body paint, whipped cream or honey can make for some sensational fun, but be cautious about putting anything on the delicate skin on your vulva and clitoris. It’s also a bad idea to use anything spreadable because it might be hard to remove...

A heart-shaped glass contaioner with chocolate sauce inside, next to a brush and a pale pink box with the words High On Love.

Food as ‘foreplay’ is a brilliant love triangle of mouths, taste and sex (who can forget the 9 1/2 weeks food scene), but foodstuff may not be the safest thing to put in your vagina. We guess the best, most simple advice is to differentiate what goes ON your body and what goes IN it.

Keep your vagina happy by covering fruit or veg with a condom

There is a safer and easier way to ensure your lady garden blossoms rather than wilts: Cover your edibles with condoms!

Hope that helps!

Best Wishes,

Team Sh! xx


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