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How to Choose & Use a Dildo (For Lesbian Sex)

How to Choose & Use a Dildo (For Lesbian Sex) - Sh! Women's Store

Dildos can offer different kinds of pleasures in all kinds of lesbian strap-on situations, but getting the right dildo can be a little bit tricky if you've never had one before.

Choosing the Right Size Dildo

The length, belive it or not, isn't massively important.

The girth, on the other hand, is very important.

Treating yourself to a new dildo and finding out it's too wide is a genuine disappointment. You're unlikely to want to use it again and it'll end up at the back of the wardrobe with all the other dust-bunny-collectors (we all have them!)

If you are choosing between a girthier dildo and a slimmer dildo, we always recommend choosing the slimmer dildo.

The majority of the Sh! dildos come in two widths, a slimmer version, and a wider version.

And each style has three different length options.

Let's use our best-selling Cupid Silicone Dildos as examples:

a grid of purple dildos in different sizes

Pro Tip: Leaving someone wanting more is a whole lot better than trying to fill a small orifice with something too big!

Different length dildos lend themselves to different positions in lesbian strap-on play.

Shorter dildos work best for grinding together during strap-on sex.

  • Because the whole length will be constantly inside her, a dildo that’s around four inches long should satisfy.

  • A great griding position is one of you straddling the other, who is wearing a strap-on with a shorter dildo. Facing each other, you can kiss and touch and look deep into each other's eyes.

  • Or, if the one on top is facing away, she can lapdance on the dildo and treat the giver to a fantastic rear view!

Longer Dildos are best for stroking in and out...

  • Any dildo six inches or longer are best for stroking in and out during strap-on sex.
  • As you get into your stride, this extra length is essential on the out-stroke to prevent the dildo slipping out altogether! It can happen to the best of strap-on studettes, but pumping away into thin air can be a bit embarrassing as well as very frustrating for the person on the receiving end...

Tips For Lesbian Strap-On Dildo Play

Whilst wearing your strap-on dildo, form a ring with your finger and thumb around the bottom of the shaft of the dildo. Slide the dildo through this ring as you guide it into your partner.
  • You can feel how far to pull out of her and ensure your aim is always true
  • It’s incredibly sexy to feel your wet dildo dipping into your lover
  • The ring you form will push against her clitoris
  • You can lessen the penetrative length of any dildo by adding more fingers to the ring

via GIPHY.

Pro Tip: Try forming a ring with your thumb and up to four fingers to deliver short, shallow thrusts. As most of the sensitive nerve-endings are around the entrance of the vagina, you probably won’t hear any complaints - and you can instantly subtract fingers should she murmur deeper...

One last word about 'Sex Toy Advice for Lesbians'

We should probably address the issue of 'sex toys for lesbians' as we've been told off on social media (several times) for using the words: 'sex toys for lesbians'  in the same sentence. Being scolded isn't going to stop us though, far from it, but we'll explain why we'll keep on doing it...

We have a large group of lovely customers who identify as lesbian. There are women within this group who prefer to purchase toys specially designed for lesbians.

A toy won't know if it's being used by a lesbian woman, a bisexual woman, or a straight woman (or even a male-identifying person), but if a customer asks for 'sex toys for lesbians' we will show her a range of sex toys for lesbians, the ones we know our lesbian-identifying customers choose. And we'll be very happy to do so, because there are precious few toys actually designed by lesbians for lesbians!

Browse our best-selling dildos here.

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