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How to Use a Double Dildo?

How to Use a Double Dildo? - Sh! Women's Store

'Double Ender' 'Double Header' 'Double Dildo' 'Double Dong' (eeuw!)

Known by many names, but a double dildo is quite simply a sex toy designed for two to share, to deliver penetrative pleasure to each partner simultaneously.

They come in two distinct styles;

  • Traditional-style - extra-long with a dildo at each end
  • Strapless Dildo - curved in shape, with one longer and one smaller dildo.

Each style offers quite a different sexual experience for both partners and each has its own pros, cons, and best positions to enjoy them in.

How to Use a Traditional Double-Ended Dildo

A traditional double-ended dildo is extra-long with a shaft at each end for each partner to enjoy together, either vaginally and/or anally.

You lie, sit facing each other, or back up to each other with your genitals close together.

One end is for you, and the other end is for your partner.

With either (or both) of you gripping the middle portion of the dildo, it's moved between you using a pull-me/push-me motion.

Pros & Cons of Double-Ended Dildos


  • Playing with a double-ended dildo is voyeuristic and sexy as you see yourselves and each other enjoying the action together.
  • Using a double-ended dildo can feel intimately close as you share exactly the same activity and sensations as your partner.


  • Double-ended dildos can be tricky to co-ordinate.
  • Most double-ended dildos have the same size dildo at each end, leaving no leeway for lovers with different penetrative appetites.
  • Not much choice. Often the stuff of lesbian porn, most double-ended dildos are either 'flesh-coloured' and 'realistic'  or made of Jelly PVC (which is an unsafe sex toy material). You won't find any of these at Sh! but this does mean that sensual, stylish designs are a bit thin on the ground.

Best Position for Double-Ended Dildo Play: Scissors

Prop yourselves up with pillows and position one leg over each other's opposite leg, so that you can get really up close and personal in the pubic area.

Slip an end of the dildo inside each of you and take it in turns to reach one hand under your propped-up leg to move the dildo between you.




 How to Use a Strapless Double Dildo

Sh! strapless dildo for harness-free strap-on sex- Sh! Women's Store


A newer version of a double-ended dildo is a Strapless or 'harness-free' dildo.

A Strapless is a curved or U-shaped dildo with a smaller egg-shaped dildo at one end and a longer dildo at the other.

Strapless double dildos are designed to be enjoyed for strap-on style sex with no interruption to play and nothing between you.

Like a traditional double dildo, they offer both partners the pleasure of simultaneous double penetration, but with this style, there is a 'giver' and a 'receiver.'

The 'giver' doesn't need to put on a strap-on harness to hold the dildo in place but instead, they use their body to hold and operate the dildo by slipping the smaller bulb/egg-shaped end inside themselves, gripping it with their PC muscle.


The longer shaft extends in front of their body, ready for the receiving partner to hop on and enjoy vaginally or anally. Strapless double dildos offer close, body-to-body contact and are best suited for grinding together, rather than long penetrative strokes or wild thrusting.


Read more about how to use a strapless dildo here.

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