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How To Have Safer Anal Sex

How To Have Safer Anal Sex - Sh! Women's Store

Anal sex is the riskiest transmission route for many sexually transmitted infections, including HIV. Let's look at how you can ensure your anal sex is high on pleasure and low on risk.

What’s the safest way to have anal sex?

The skin and tissue in and around the anus are delicate and tear easily, and this is something you want to avoid. The anus isn't self-lubricating, so anal lube is essential. Without lube, anal sex will not only be painful, but the anus may also suffer micro tears with unwanted bacteria seeping in... Infection central. *pulls face*

Condoms are also essential in an safer anal sex tool kit.

What type of condoms should you use for anal sex?

Anyone who engages in unprotected sex can contract an infection. Some are at greater risk, such as gay guys who engage in anal sex with casual partners.

Whether you are a gay guy or not, if you are about to dip your dick into someone's anus or have a dick dipping into yours, make sure to slip on a comfortable condom first. We recommend using condoms designed for anal sex. Anal sex condoms are thicker and have extra lubricant. 

The bonus of using condoms for anal play is that the condom turns penises and toys into sleeker playthings for the delicate art of anal pleasure.


Pasante Extra Condoms for safer anal sex


Latex gloves for safer anal sex

Latex gloves should be a staple when it comes to anal sex. 

The skin in and around the anus is thin and tears easily. Long or sharp nails or bitten and bleeding cuticles can cause teeny-tiny tears, which are not only painful but can also be transmission routes. 

Slipping on a latex glove takes care of any sharp bits that could cause cuts, and it also makes clean-up easier. Coat your gloved-up fingers in anal lube, and they become sleeker, safer and sexier! 

Dental dams for rimming

We’d generally advise using dental dams for analingus (rimming).

Unfortunately (shockingly!), the UK manufacturer of dental dams stopped manufacturing dams, which is why we no longer stock them. We can only assume this decision was based on low demand. (If you come across a British supplier of dams, please let us know!)

For now, cut open a condom and place it over the anus instead.

What's the cleanest way to have anal sex?

If you or your partner feel queasy about the potential for mess during anal sex, using condoms will help put your mind at ease.

Using a condom will help you feel more relaxed, and clean-up becomes a doddle. Whip off the used condom, dispose of it in a bin, and most of the work is done!

How to use a douche for anal sex

For those who are extra keen on being clean, there are douches

A douche is a tool for squirting warm (not hot, babes, you’ll burn the delicate tissue) water up the anal passage. What goes in must come out, and with it comes anything stored in the ass...

Give your butt some rest (a couple of hours) between douching and penetration. This makes sure everything has come out.

Douching isn’t necessary, but it’s an option.

black douche for anal cleansing


In the UK, most cases of HIV are caused by having sex with a person who has HIV without using a condom. The HIV virus can be passed on even if the infected person doesn’t have symptoms (they may be completely unaware of their positive status). People at greater risk can take PrEP (Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis), preventing them from getting the virus even if exposed.

Have you been exposed to the HIV virus? PEP (Post-Exposure Prophylaxis) can stop the virus from taking hold and preventing HIV+. Find UK HIV post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) services here.

Read our anal sex & pleasure guides here.

alixfox"All this great news about HIV is one of the hugest positive sexual medicine stories of this generation. It has changed so, so much. I cannot tell you how strongly I think Sex Education should be talking about this. Awareness of these life-saving developments is still low, and contributes towards stigmatisation of both LGBTQ+ groups and people living with HIV. Any info Sex Ed could slot in would be doing amazing work. Please let me know if you’d like to learn more."
Thank you to @thtorguk & all those living & working with HIV who have educated me along the way.

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