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Tips to Get the Most Out of Reading Erotica

Tips to Get the Most Out of Reading Erotica

By K D Grace & Kay Jaybee

Read Erotica Surrounded by Your Fav Sex Toys

KD: Whenever possible, read erotica with your feet up, surrounded by your favourite sex toys. This will remind you of the versatility of erotica. If you’re in it to play, well you already ready! If you’re in it for a good read, you’ve assumed the most comfy, readerly position. If you’re in it for both, it’s a great way to practice multi-tasking.

KJB: Of course- when we say toys, we are not talking cuddly bears here!

KD: Yeah! Right! Cuddly bears *Sniggers behind fingers*

2. Read Erotica in Public

KD: Never miss an opportunity to read erotica in a public place. With the new subtle covers and with eReaders, only YOU will know how much fun you’re having, and you’ll be having a lot more fun for being naughty in public.

KJB: It is great to read on the bus or tube- there is so much salacious pleasure to gain from doing anything in secret. Who said the process of reading itself shouldn't be sexy!

Share the Erotica Pleasure

KD: Erotica is twice as much fun when you share it. Try taking turns reading it out loud to your lover and enjoy the heatwave!

KJB: And of course, if you both simply want to listen to keep those hands free, there are always audiobooks!

KD: Oh yes! Aural pleasure at its technological best!

Remember - Erotica is Fantasy!

KD: Lock your inhibitions away when you read erotica. Remember, it’s total fantasy, a fantastic opportunity to get hot and bothered over some totally different kink. It’s a chance to be sexually adventurous safely.

KJB: After all, when you're in the world created by an erotica writer, you can be anyone you want to be!

Relish the Experience

KD: Enjoy! The erotica experience is where the written word and the human body collide with deliciously sizzling results. Take full advantage of the sizzle and have a great time!

Come to an Erotic Book Reading

KJB: So when you come to a Sh! reading, how can you make the most of the experience? Well, grab a glass of fizz, and let your eyes wander over all the beautiful toys and books on offer…then while you're listening to the stories, you can contemplate if any of the playthings you've seen on the shelves, might be nice to accompany some more of the tale once you get home to read it yourself!

KD: And that glass of fizz is extremely important because it’s thirsty work listening to naughty stories surrounded by titillating toys!

KJB: If this is your first visit to sex shop, then fear not! Walking into a shop that focuses on sex can be scary the first time- but it isn't a frightening place at all. We are a friendly bunch- look at us- just ordinary folk - who just happen to have over the top imaginations!

KD: And the Sh! Ladiez with their lovely smiles are absolutely the go-to-girls for any questions you have. Or for a caffeine filled cuppa, or a top-up to your fizz.

KJB: So why not come along- sit back, loosen your corset (although not too much, because a little discomfort rubs well with a little pleasure), nibble a cup cake, sip that fizz, and open your ears, and let our naughty words work their magic!

KD: Throw in the odd bit of spanking (only as needed, of course) and a night of readings at Sh! is a feast for all the senses!


Thanks for having us over, Renee! We always love visiting Sh! whether it’s a virtual visit or in person. And can’t wait for the in-person visit and hot party on April 20th!


K D Grace

Oh wow, lovely ladies, I feel like I have spent time with by reading this. Great post :-)

Lily Harlem

Lol, you two ladiez rock! xx


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