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Anal Sex Toy Safety Tips

Anal Sex Toy Safety Tips
We want your tushie to stay safe so here are the 3 rules for anal sex toys to be safe to go near your delicate nether regions.
  • Anal toys must be smooth
  • With an anal-safe base
  • And be an anal-safe size.
All anal toys at Sh! meet this criteria (as we reject all that don't) so  you can be confident of that. But we've all heard tales of emergency visits to A&E, so if you're thinking of improvising ( please don't!) or have any toys you're unsure of, please check them against these 3 safety rules;

Anal sex toys MUST be absolutely smooth and seamless

Anal tissue is very delicate (much more so than the vaginal tissue) so always check toys for any rough edges that could scratch or cut the skin there.
Cheaper toys made with hard plastic can have a seam running through them where the 2 parts are joined together - check that yours doesn't before letting it anywhere near your precious bottom.

You must be able to keep a firm grip on any anal toy

An anal toy must feature either a:
  • large or flared base
  • safety ring/ loop
  • very long handle.
This ensures that you can keep a a firm grip on the toy. These safety features prevent your anal toy from slipping all the way inside.
Unlike the vagina, sex toys lost up the ass really can stay lost and could cause damage ( as well as an embarrassing trip to the A&E dept!) so this is not advice to take lightly.
[caption id="attachment_26112" align="alignleft" width="300"]Sh! Vibrating Silicone Beads feature a a loop handle to keep a grip on... Sh! Vibrating Silicone Beads feature a a loop handle to keep a grip on...[/caption]
[caption id="attachment_21965" align="alignright" width="300"]Sh! Silicone Butt Plug featuring a wide base to prevent it slipping inside Sh! Silicone Butt Plug featuring a wide base to prevent it slipping inside[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_32494" align="alignright" width="300"]Crystal Flex Wand Vibrator features a long handle to keep a tight grip upon. Crystal Flex Wand Vibrator features a long handle to keep a tight grip upon.[/caption]

Anal sex toys 10cm (around 4 inches), or longer,  MUST be flexible

This ensures that they are able to  bend with the natural curves of the anal canal, which loops back, inside your body around 4 inches inside.

Other than this, only you can judge the best size of anal toy for you so experiment with fingers and don't be afraid to think small!
If your just starting out, read our beginners guide to anal toys and rest assured that at Sh! we stock a wide selection of anal-safe sex toys and safe butt plugs, (the vast majority of them in silicone which is soft, sensual and easy to keep clean) so there is anal toy to suit everyone.

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