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Food Sex Play - Delightfully Messy!

Food Sex Play - Delightfully Messy!

We’re just going to lay it out there: We are folks who ignore the advice to never play with your food. In fact, we’re always keen on getting sticky with a sweet beau! But, whenever you decide to bring food items into the bedroom for a midnight feast of the flesh, there are a few do's and don’ts. Read on for our tips on making food sex an experience to remember for all the right reasons.

Food sex play is messy

Food play is fabulous fun, but it’s also pretty messy, so expect to get yourselves and your bedsheets positively caked with whatever foodstuff you’re bringing into the bedroom. If you’re particular about your bed linen, make sure to use bed sheets you don’t mind getting sticky. (And make sure that you’ve got plenty of washing powder on hand to clean up the aftermath of fluids and food!)


Test your treats

If you’ve got sensitive skin, it’s best to avoid sugary treats for your sensitive areas. Vulvae can be particularly sensitive to synthetic sugar alternatives, so keep it natural for food sex play. This helps to avoid any discomfort later on.

Shoulders, nipples, and stomachs are sensitive erogenous zones. Try drizzling a bit of honey over the top half of your body and challenge your partner to lick you clean before being allowed lower down…

Sex food hygiene

You wouldn’t insert a sex toy before giving it a good clean, so don’t do it with food either. Be 100% sure that your delicious foray into food sex doesn’t have any complications by giving everything a good wash before bringing it into the bedroom.

We once had a customer mention that her juicy peach turned orange after intimately enjoying a carrot. To avoid this, we recommend slipping a condom over any fresh produce to be used. You could make it even more fun by choosing ribbed or dotted prophylactics!

Hungry for more food and sex?

Once you’ve tried your tastebuds on a few foodstuffs, feel free to experiment with other food sex play staples such as jelly and custard for some hot and cold sexy sensations.

Try our High on Love body painting chocolate for super-tasty licking and sucking off body parts.

High on Love body paint, brush and gift box

Grapefruit for fellatio

Many customers have expressed an interest in trying out the grapefruit technique during fellatio, but please, please, please remember to pop a condom on the very sensitive penis before heading downtown for some fruity fun. Acidic fruit juice down the urethra is not many penis-owners’ idea of fun.

Dairy-free food for tasty sex play

Don’t let dairy intolerance get in the way of sweet celebrations. These days, you can get lactose-free products in most supermarkets and actually, they’re very tasty. Our favourite is Arla lacto-free products, a whole range of non-lactose foods to enjoy in or out of the bedroom.

The only limit to fun food sex is your imagination and what you’ve got in your fridge, so don’t be afraid to mix things up a little and take food out of the dining room and into the boudoir!


Browse edible pleasure here!

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