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Sh! – Hardly A Quiet Experience

Sh! – Hardly A Quiet Experience - Sh! Women's Store

Guest Blog By Lucy Felthouse

Not being from the UK's fair capital, my visits to Sh! Women's Erotic Emporium are sadly few and far between. However, I've been to erotic book readings, both as attendee and the entertainment. Each time, I've been astounded by the atmosphere.

Sh! is not a shop  you slink into after looking furtively to see if anyone's seen you. People walk in, excited, confident and happy. And why shouldn't they? The Sh! stores are for women (mainly – men are allowed in with partners, or on special Gents' evenings) and run by women. They're classy, chic, cool and friendly.

Despite all of this, I was terrified when it was time for me to read my piece during the inaugural Uniform Behaviour reading at Sh! Portobello. The book was my first editing project, so as well as having to read smut to strangers, it was my "baby" being promoted. I was joined by Rebecca Bond (another nervous first-time reader) and Victoria Blisse, both of whom read snippets of their stories from the erotic anthology (of which a percentage of the proceeds goes to UK charity Help for Heroes, yet another great reason to buy!). The beautiful Kay Jaybee read tasty tidbits from her books The Perfect Submissive and Yes Ma'am.

[caption id="" align="alignleft" width="107"]Uniform Behaviour. Edited by Lucy Felthouse Uniform Behaviour. Edited by Lucy Felthouse[/caption]

As for my terror, it did eventually subside. This was helped a little by alcohol, and a lot by the atmosphere. It was typical Sh! – positive, happy and supportive. I remembered people were there because they wanted to be and there would be no hecklers. The lovely Renee was awesome too – stepping up with lovely introductions for the readers and the books, and keeping the Q&A session going when others were too shy to pipe up.

All in all, the event was a success. It was fun, and a great experience for everyone involved. That is the power of Sh! and the lovely ladies that run it.

Thank you to all of you! I can't wait to venture over your thresholds again, either as a reader or an avid listener. You guys rock!


Do you get all weak-kneed at the sight of a grubby fireman or a hunky soldier? Perhaps immaculately-dressed waiting-on staff get you feeling frisky? If so, you’ve come to the right place.
Uniform Behaviour contains sixteen smutty stories about firemen, soldiers, sailors, police, security guards and even waiters, priests and cleaners!
Delve into this anthology and enjoy steamy stories from established erotica authors including Justine Elyot, Craig J Sorensen, Victoria Blisse, Shermaine Williams, Elizabeth Coldwell and Lucy Felthouse. Uniform Behaviour also proudly introduces some exciting debut authors. So remember, you saw them here first!
As well as being written and compiled for your titillation, this anthology is also designed to do good. A portion of the proceeds from Uniform Behaviour will be donated to UK charity Help for Heroes, which helps those wounded in current conflict.

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