Kay Jaybee Book Launch at Sh!
Date: Saturday 7th July 2011
Time: 6.30pm arrival for 7pm start
Price: Free!
Venue: Sh! Women’s Erotic Emporium, 57 Hoxton Square, London, N1 6PB, Tel: 020 7613 5458
Join UK author Kay Jaybee and Team Sh! for the launch of "The Perfect Submissive" in paperback. Not only will you be treated to the delights of Kay’s erotica whilst enjoying a glass of bubbly and perhaps a cupcake or two, we'll will be on hand to teach you some spanking moves, in our Beginners Guide to Spanking Erotic Class taster session…
"The Perfect Submissive" by Kay Jaybee
Hidden behind the Fables Hotels respectable facade, five specially adapted rooms wait; ready to cater for the kinky requirements of its guests.
When Mrs Peters, the mistress of the hotels exclusive entertainment facility, meets the new booking clerk, Jess Sanders, she instantly recognises the young woman's potential as a deliciously meek addition to her specialist staff. All it will take is a little education.
Under the tutelage of the dominatrix, Miss Sarah, Jess learns to cope with her unexpected training schedule, the increasingly erotic chill she experiences each time she survives a new level of correction, and a truly sexy exercise routine.<P>
Temporarily distracted from her intimidating rule over Fable’s top floor by an enigmatic artist, Mrs Peters begins to plan how she can secure his obedient assistance, in grooming Jess into the perfect submissive...
Kay Jaybee’s Bio:
Kay Jaybee is the author of the kinky erotic romance Not Her Type: Erotic Adventures With A Delivery Man, the Fem Dom novel, The Perfect Submissive, and the erotic anthologies, The Collector, Yes Ma’am, Quick Kink One and Quick Kink Two (Xcite).
As well as being a regular contributor to www.OystersandChocolate.com , Kay has over 80 short stories published by Xcite, Cleis Press, Black Lace, Mammoth, Constable and Robinson, and Sweetmeats Press.
<If you want details of all Kay's stories, and want to find out what mischief she gets up to, you can follow her on www.kayjaybee.me.uk
In run-up to book launch at Sh!, we asked Kay to tell us more about being Kay Jaybee
For the past 30+ years I’ve been me. Quite shy, very ordinary in my daily jeans and jumpers. Average height, average weight, average shoe size; average everything really.
For the past 6 years I’ve also been Kay Jaybee. She talks way too much, has an imagination that would make the staunchest voyeur blush , and wears short skirts, stockings, and knee high boots – although still of average height etc.
So – who am I really then? I confess there are more and more days when the lines between the two ‘me’s’ are blurred.
I have good friends who have no idea that I write sex scenes all morning. To them I’m exactly the person they have always known- wife, mother, administrator, and fulltime coffee drinker.
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Via trips to read my stories at the wonderful Sh! Women’s Erotic Emporium, and through the miracle of email and Facebook, I have made some amazing friends within the world of erotica. These good folk only know me as Kay Jaybee – writer of all styles of kink, and lover of all things sexy.
There is no denying that ‘being Kay’ has had a great affect on the real me. More than one friend, who knows of my double life, has commented that I have greater confidence these days; that I smile more, say riskier things, make people laugh more often, and even shock them. Then suddenly, sometimes in mid flow, I’ll disappear back into my shell and sit back, being the one who observes. The quiet one who takes it all in - the person I’ve always been.
As Kay I walk taller, and I am so much braver. I have done things I’d never thought I’d do,and visited places I never thought I’d go to. I’ve read totally dirty stories out loud to complete strangers. I have supped champagne with the editors of publishing houses and porn magazines, and I’ve discussed sex toys and the benefits of lube while eating pizza in a crowded restaurant. The real me would never do any of that!
Being Kay has it’s downsides of course. There will always be those who can’t tell the difference between people who write erotica, and people who prostitute themselves of an evening.I tire of the number of people who send me Facebook messages saying they’ve enjoyed one of my books, and then, if I reply with a thank you (for I am always glad I’ve made someone happy), see my response as a come on. Still, it least Kay can cope with that side of things- I certainly couldn’t without her!
So, who am I then?
Am I Kay hiding behind the guise of a respectable housewife, mum, and office worker? Or am I ‘me’ hiding behind the extrovert writer of smut? The girl who writes down words she’d never ever use in a conversation?
I can’t really answer the question. I often haven’t a clue who I’m supposed to be from one day to the next- but then, who does?! At least I’m lucky enough to have the luxury of choice. To have a brave persona to let me do the things I would never have the courage to do without good old Kay!