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To Shave or Not To Shave - That Is The Question

To Shave or Not To Shave - That Is The Question - Sh! Women's Store

With temperatures soaring, we're all undressing with wild abandon (not just us, surely?) and with that comes the age-old question - to shave or not to shave?

We're not interested in leg or armpit hair on this occasion. We're talking about lady gardening: Pubes.

Pubic hair has, over the years, been groomed, shaved and waxed to within an inch of its curly life, but it feels like we are finally at a place where styling is a personal choice.

We're keen on finding out what you think about your marvellous muff: Do you shave, or prefer to leave it au natural? Show us some labia love, and leave a comment below!

Many women love their bush to look and feel full, with silky strands to stroke, plait and play with.

There are benefits to keeping your fanny-fur nurtured. It provides soft padding during sex, cycling and - apparently - exercise (we're not sure what exercise this might be).

Pubes protect against bacteria and other unwanted pathogens, and the hairs trap pheromone scent from natural perspiration, offering a ripe, sexual scent for lovers to revel in.


Other women like a bare bajingo; they like the way it looks and feels when touched.

If your lover is equally bare, contact becomes incredibly 'close,' and you might find you feel more during play.

Having spent some time looking into it, there seem to be no apparent medical and/or health reasons for going bare. It's a personal preference. Some women report feeling sexier when their labia are fur-free, and many enjoy a cool breeze around their nethers on a hot day.

And then there are the women who are into occasional gardening - a neat hedge row, neither bare nor bushy. They may leave it growing when they're too busy to bother and they may trim a little extra off for special occasions.

Many of us will book a waxing appointment before a beach holiday, for example, wanting to relax on the beach with no pesky pubes poking out of the swimming cossie.

When it comes to pubes, there really are no right and wrongs. Sometimes it depends on what you're wearing or have in mind. Sending a sexy selfie to a lover, something 'different' can be fun.

A customer recently asked what the "right" cunny coiffure is. This is not a question we can answer. It depends on what you - the owner of the pubes - feel comfortable with and maybe what your lover prefers. Perhaps you both like the same look - great! Maybe you have different preferences, or you choose to surprise your partner with a new 'do every once in a while...

Our recent online survey found that 33% of participants prefer a full bush, 33% prefer a neatly trimmed hedge, 29% prefer to go boldly bare, and 5% prefer snazzy shapes.

Ultimately, it is your body and you choose what you feel most comfortable with.

However, if you do fancy something new, there are quite a few fun styles to try out:




More body image posts here! 


I believe both women and men should have hair down there. I would be appalled to be with a Man and find he was hairless like a pubescent boy when he took his clothes off – Yuk! By all means keep it trimmed and neat but to go completely bald? No! I guess I’m ‘Old Skool’ in that I’m of the 45-55 generation but I blame ‘Sex and the City’ for ever introducing the horror that is the Brazilian. It saddens me also to see garbage TV shows like ‘Naked Attraction’ that parades these hairless millennials like it’s the norm, to feed the cold desire of paedo-porn junkies. Don’t get me wrong, I have nothing against Porn but the lack of realism and vagueness in sex-education is warping the young to what is real and natural with human bodies. I get sick to my stomach when I hear immature young guys say they hate hair on a girl like it’s some kind of stigma. Yes, it’s personal preference but the seed has been planted that it’s more favourable to be going through the pain of waxing or suffering the itching of shaving, still to please a man or to fit in with your peers. I just wish it was more represented in a more balanced way and re-accepted that hair grows there for a reason and there’s absolutely nothing wrong with having it there.


I prefer to be waxed an hair free all year round….for my pleasure ❤️


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