Rekindling Your Romance - Advice at Sh!
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Rekindling Your Romance - Advice at Sh!

Rekindling Your Romance - Sh! Women's Store

Whoever invented the massage should have been made a Saint...or at least promoted.

A sensual, oily, aromatic knead of the skin is--truly--one of the best gifts this world can offer. Ok, we are laying it on thick with this one but our sentiment is genuine: massages are utterly divine.

Soothe away each other's stress with a medium-high pressure level of naked human touch. Say a sweet goodbye to muscle tension and a bright hello to tingly goosebumps. Find a bed, sweet-smelling oil (or gel--dependent on preference) and relax into each other's bodies with a newfound fondness.

A prolonged rub-down is possibly one of our favourite, most affordable presents that we can gift to people. The sheer amount of endorphins you find yourselves swimming in after a gentle calf-pummel is magical. It also allows partners to connect emotionally and intimately in the most low-key of manners. It teaches you the art of touch, custom-made for your partner (n.b. we have a whole genre of trinkets to increase individual sensation on your massage game). It can leave an after-glow on your face no amount of concealer can buy. It's also not the only inexpensive thrill you can rediscover.

Giggling brings you closer. It distracts, bonds and reinvigorates partners. Regular laughter can increase overall health and wellbeing. It is paramount to a successful relationship. Without a social life in play at the moment, pick an evening to Netflix 'n' chill over your favourite comedy show. Pick a funny book, both read it and then discuss over a hearty tea from your novelty mugs. Play a board game with an erotic twist (sexy chess is a real thing and we sell it). Do a strip tease to a ridiculous song. However you decide to, make sure bring some light into each other's day...otherwise you could be facing some real, long monotony here.

We are suggesting going "old school" on this one. Leave a note on your beaus pillow inviting them to dinner Chez Ours. Enforce a strict dress code and treat them to a Michelin(ish) star level of fine dining. If you want to really add some sauce to the mix you could chuck in a nifty little bullet vibe to wear in your pants during courses--just swap in the remote controller for their dessert spoon when you're laying the table. If you are sharing quarantine with other flatmates, we recognise this could throw a spanner in the works for your intimate evening...but there is also a thing called bribery.

All relationships are different and everyone has their own, unique needs and each is as meaningful as another. Use this time you have together wisely if possible; otherwise you could be at risk of wasting it.

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