Just a quickie to say Congratulations Anna Span!
This female producer of "the hottest porn for women" (Comopolitan Magazine) has battled the British Board of Film Classification and won!
For years the BBFC has banned depictions of female ejaculation in adult movies as, in their wisdom, they'd decided the women were not gushing but weeing. Not surprisingly, depictions of women drenched in male ejaculation have for years been deemed fine; the censors are as sexist as the pornographers. Clearly porn is a man's game and women simply pawns within it.
It could only be male censors who decide that female ejaculation is, and ignore the fact that female ejaculate has been chemically analysed as being similar to male ejaculate minus the sperm. No - it looks like peeing to them so that's what it is.
Tell that to the millions of women who female ejaculate during a G-Spot orgasm.
Read more about Anna's victory in this Guardian Article, published 9/9/2009
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