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Our Christmas Cast: Who are you buying for?

Our Christmas Cast: Who are you buying for? - Sh! Women's Store
We all love buying gifts but not everyone is easy to please! Because we want to make your gift buying as successful as possible we’ve done some (not very scientific) research and put together different personality types for those difficult loved ones. But we don’t stop there! We’ve also selected the perfect gift to make them happy. You can thank us later.
 The Gift Recycler
You buy them a present, they pass it on to someone else. This is a heartbreaking tale that we’re putting an end to with a selection of gifts that they will not be able to let go of.
 The Christmas Bargain Hunter
The first thing they do when they open your gift is Google the price and make sure it’s value for money. With these gifts under £30 they will be pleasantly surprised
The Trend Catcher 
They camp outside Apple for 4 days to make sure they're the 1st person to have the new iPhone and are on the waiting list to travel Virgin to space. Here  are the gifts that will satisfy their appetite for innovation.
No Gift Satisfaction
The face they make year after year when they open your gift is one of mild disappointment but things will be different this time! Buy them one of these unique items and they’ll be bubbling over with joy. no-satisfaction2
The Christmas Daredevil
Everyday is an opportunity to try something new and they want a gift that offers up a world of possibilities. Make their dreams come true with these risqué offerings.

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