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Trans Awareness Week

Trans Awareness Week - Sh! Women's Store

Trans Awareness Week - the trans community needs our support!

Despite a growing awareness and acceptance for trans people amongst certain societies, there is still a hell of a way to go before this community can enjoy even basic human rights in the majority of the world.

Extreme cases of transphobia are commonplace. Chechnya’s brutal tirade against the LGBT community rages on whilst the past few months have seen multiple provinces and cities in Poland declare themselves as LGBT-free. The U.K.’s official home office data has recorded a 37% rise in the reporting of transphobic hate crimes whilst noting that this protected group has faced a higher increase of attacks than any other. This is only the tip of the iceberg.

Charitable organisations Brandwatch and Ditch the Label analysed 10 million posts on social media surrounding the topic of transgender people and discovered a staggering 1.5 million transphobic comments.

Just seven countries in the world allow transgender people to have their gender identity legally recognised without forcing these people to undergo humiliating and life-changing processes, such as an invasive psychiatric diagnosis or an irreversible sterilization. These countries include Argentina, Belgium, Colombia, Denmark, Ireland, Malta and Norway. 

Who to contact!

There are several brilliant organisations to get in touch with or donate to, to help increase trans visibility, find support for the community and gain acceptance and inclusion from wider society. These include Mermaids, Stonewall, Gendered Intelligence, Albert Kennedy Trust, Kaleidoscope Trust, Just Like Us, ILGA, Mind LGBTQ, Amnesty amongst many more. Fundraising, volunteering and simply reaching out to someone within the trans community is a brilliant start.

Otherwise, there are numerous activists, writers and influencers on social media you should check out, who are fighting for LGBT equality. These include Jazz Jennings, Chella Man, Pabllo Vittar, Munroe Bergdorf, Travis Alabanza and Jamie Windust.

How sexual pleasure is related!

We believe that sexual pleasure, exploration and liberation is paramount to a happy, fulfilled life. Yet, this area can often be overlooked in regard to transitioning. That’s why on Thursday, 21 September, we are hosting a Guide to Sex Toys for Transgender Folx!

Led by our friendly and knowledgeable sex educators, including the brilliant Kelvin of kelvinsparks.com, we will take you on a tour of our toys that are specifically fun for trans folx, both transmasculine and transfeminine. This class is open to trans and non-binary folx and their partners and we encourage you to come along with any questions or queries you have surrounding sexuality.

There will be bubbles, cakes, a whopping 20% discount on all toys and, of course, the chance to speak to our team one-on-one if group scenarios aren't your thing.

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