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Sh! Portobello hosts the first Heavenly Tart exhibition in London!

Sh! Portobello hosts the first Heavenly Tart exhibition in London! - Sh! Women's Store
[caption id="" align="alignleft" width="200"]From the Heavenly Tart exhibition Rabbit Still Life[/caption]
WHAT:The ‘Boudoir Tales’ exhibition by the Heavenly Tart group
WHERE: Sh! Women's Erotic Emporium
WHEN: 2nd January to 31st January
Heavenly Tart are an anonymous group of women artists interested in exploring the idea of erotica in our paintings, drawings, photographs, poems, stories and scribblings. Heavenly Tart is about encouraging women to be a little more daring as individual artists.
'We want our work to stimulate, challenge, amuse and inspire...We want to explore a woman's view of erotic and understand what makes her feel sensual, titillated, stimulated....'
The objective of the group is to bring together women of different nationalities, genres and styles, giving everyone the opportunity to showcase her work online and participate in organised group exhibitions.
Here you will find paintings, drawings, photographs, stories and poems to tease, tantalize and thrill.
The opening private view will be held at the Portobello Road store on Friday 14th January from 18:00 - 20:00.
Please email portobello@sh-womenstore.com f you’d like to attend.

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