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Sh! Sale - While Stocks Last...

The Sh! January Sale is well underway, and some of our more popular goodies have already sold out! So if you've been meaning to buy a hot toy when the price is at its best, now is the time.... [caption id="Keychain Vibe" align="alignright" width="150"]Keychain Vibe: Silver Bullet Keychain Vibe : Silver Bullet[/caption] The Vanta Vibrator, a hot luxury clit vibe in silicone and gun-metal, is a fantastic buy if you love the luxurious look and feel of designer vibrators.  Complete with its own gorgeous carrying case for travel, the Vanta is a really hot buy! Check out the Bijoux Indiscrets Nipple Jewellery - available in pink, silver or black. They are great to wear under a revealing top, for a night out - or a hot night in! Perfect if you can't find the bra that matches your favourite nix, or you want some temporary nipple jewellery to draw your lover's eye... And - if your partner fancies it - the Sh! Girlz have discovered they look very pretty on a fellah's nipples too... And the very popular Keychain Vibe: Silver Bullet is on sale too...the original keyring vibrator, perfect to carry with you wherever you go (or to tuck away at the back of your sock drawer, if you prefer...) the Keychain Vibe: Silver Bullet has a powerful buzz and is fantastic for stong clit stimulation! There's lots more reduced prices on sex toys in our Sh! Sale - check them out here, or visit our Hoxton and Portobello stores for unique offers!

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