Monday Favourites
Monday Favourites. Busy Monday here at Sh!, and a couple of clear favourites among our weekend orders.
[caption id="Je Joue G-Ki" align="alignleft" width="150"] Je Joue G-Ki[/caption]
G-Ki G-Spot Vibrator
The G-KiG-spot Vibrator from Je Joue is a fantastic luxury toy, and has been very popular this weekend! Along with the Sasi clit vibe, the G-Ki is a gorgeous and innovative luxury toy. With two adjustable joints so it can be angled for perfefct G-spot stimulation, plus three speeds and five escalating and pulsating settings, the G-Ki is a much-loved new vibrator here at Sh!
Lush Lubricant
Our own lovely Lush Lube has been another favourite this weekend. Smooth, silky, and non-sticky, Lush Lube is a fantastic addition to your shopping bag. Safe to use with condoms and with silicone sex toys, it makes the perfect must-have lube for the drawer by the bed!