[caption id="Seal It With A Kiss" align="alignleft" width="150"] Seal It With A Kiss[/caption]
More hot new erotica for those cold evenings...
Seal It With A Kiss
Seal It With A Kiss is a handy little volume on kissing. Everything you ever needed to know about kissing, from how to kiss and when to kiss to fun kissing games for two - or more! Written by Violet Blue, the fantastic author of The Ultimate Guide to Fellatio, this cute little collection is a perfect guide to the art of kissing!
Please, Sir
[caption id="Please, Sir" align="alignright" width="150"] Please, Sir[/caption]
Please, Sir is a collection of delicious kinky erotica, describing the thrills of female submission. The women in these stories love to push boundaries and take risks, and their hot dominants know exactly how to give them what they want! Collected by Rachel Kramer Bussel, the bestselling editor of Yes, Sir, these kinky stories will thrill and delight!
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The newest sex toys to make our shelves...