Sh! is proud to support White Ribbon Day today - a day which aims to stamp out violence against women. Dating back to 1981, White Ribbon Day is a date when men who oppose violence against women wear white ribbons to demonstrate their agreement with the White Ribbon pledge.
I pledge never to commit, condone or remain silent about violence against women
The White Ribbon campaign offers the opportunity to educate men about violence against women, and to invite their support for the campaign to end domestic violence.
One in four women will experience violence at some time in her life, which means most men know someone who has experienced violence because of her gender. Women experience violence in many forms, often at the hands of men, and men who support women's right to freedom from violence can intervene and get involved in many ways in stamping out violence against women.
It's not just about not committing violence - it's about not keeping silent when you know or suspect that it's happening, and not letting others get away with it. It can be as simple as challenging a mate about his behaviour, and anyone can take the decision to make a difference.
Men can play a crucial role in raising awareness among their male peers of domestic violence, and being aware of the issues that may affect people who have experienced violence. We reckon the White Ribbon Campaign is a fantastic movement that we support wholeheartedly, and give a big Sh! shout out to everyone taking part in this campaign.
You can help by passing on the details of the White Ribbon campaign to brothers, dads, boyfriends, male friends and anyone who will be interested. And the White Ribbon Campaign is not just for gents - women can also sign up to support and donate to the White Ribbon Campaign.
We'd also like to add our own note to this message. The White Ribbon Campaign is mainly (but not only!) aimed at raising awareness among men - but people of any gender and any sexuality can be abusers, and, male or female, straight, gay or bi, anyone can be affected. So we're not just asking you to pass on the message to men, but to everyone you know!
Tell your friends, pass it on, and take the pledge!
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