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BUZZ: A Musical Journey Through the History of the Vibrator.

BUZZ: A Musical Journey Through the History of the Vibrator.

A Musical History of the Vibrator is coming to town, and we're excited to say one of our toys has a starring role!

You can also WIN a pair of tickets!

BUZZ is a hilarious musical journey through the history of the vibrator and a brutally honest story of a singleton’s quest to fall back in love with herself. It received five starts from HisKind Magazine and the EdFringe Review as well as winning the 2016 Stella Wilkie Awards, the East 15 New Companies Award 2016 and The Eddies Award 2016.

BUZZ is a feminist production proudly celebrating women’s independence and sexuality. This is not your average musical.

With a cast of 9 recently graduated actor musicians, Fat Rascal transports the audience from the cave women of the Stone Age to Victorian London’s Hysteria Pandemic, from Cleopatra’s Egypt to the Land Girls of World War II. BUZZ is a fun approach to feminism, a comedy with a message aiming to liberate young women and open conversations about taboo subjects.
‘BUZZ carries a great message for the single ladies…and laughs for
everyone no matter what gender you are.’ - TV Bomb
Fat Rascal Theatre is a fresh new company from this year’s East 15 Acting School graduates. They are bold, cheeky and brash, using music and comedy to educate and empower. After a sell-out Edinburgh Festival run, Robyn Grant (Book and Lyrics) and James Ringer-Beck (Music) are thrilled to be bringing Buzz to the Drayton Arms in South Kensington for an all inclusive three week run.
 As London's premier purveyors of vibrators the BUZZ team kindly asked if we would be interested in supporting their show.
Well of course we would! So one of our new wands is acting as a microphone and we're here to urge to to go along and check it out for yourself!
We also have a pair of tickets to give away so get your entries in now!
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Performance Details
Venue: The Drayton Arms Theatre, 153 Old Brompton Road, London SW5 0LJ
Dates: Tuesday 11th October to Saturday 29th October (Tuesdays – Saturdays)
Time: 8:00pm (Saturday Matinee 3:00pm)
Box Office: https:// www.thedraytonarmstheatre.co.uk/buzz
Tickets: £14 (£10 conc.)
Suitable for ages 16+ (contains strong language, partial nudity and scenes of a sexual nature)

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