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Yes Baby Organic Lubricant

Yes Baby Organic Lubricant - Sh! Women's Store
Trying for a baby? Have you seen this organic, fertility-friendly lube, from the makers of Yes Organic Lubricant? Yes Baby is specially created for couples trying to conceive.

Sperm-Friendly Lubricant

Trying for a baby can be wonderful fun - but sometimes it can be stressful too. Lack of lubrication is an issue many couples face - especially for using couples who are using medical help to conceive or synchronizing with the woman's cycle to increase their chances.
Yes Baby Organic Lubricant is a brand-new two-part fomulation, designed to promote sperm health and vaginal health.
[caption id="attachment_22655" align="alignleft" width="300"]Yes Baby Organic Lubricant £22 Yes Baby Organic Lubricant £22[/caption]
The sperm-friendly variety of lube is designed to be use immediately before and during ovulaiton. (The Yes Baby pack comes complete with ovulation testers, so the time of ovulation can be determined. This lube is sperm-friendly (unlike most lubricants which can harm sperm) and promotes the optimum environment for sperm longevity.
The second lube is intended for use after ovulation - either as a sex lubricant or a vaginal moisturizer - and restores the vagina to its optimum pH, promoting vaginal health. This is the first fertility-friendly lube to supply both sperm-friendly and vagina-friendly lube, and it's all created with organically-grown ingredients.

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