'Easy Living' Magazine gave some of our fave sex toys a mixed review last week - their conclusion seemed a bit negative, so here's the Sh! Girlz take on the sex toys they reviewed
'Feeling It, not Faking It'
Our luscious DVD from top director Petra Joy didn't find favour with the reviewers, who would have preferred 'American stuff with pneumatic blondes and muscle bound hunks'. Which is absolutely fine, because everyone has their own fantasties - but we do think 'Feeling it not faking it' is a bit sexier than it's given credit for. Petra Joy takes real fantasties and creates them, in an unthreatening and sensual way. We love the idea of real women enjoying their real lovers on camera - partly because we know they're genuinely enjoying themselves, and partly because it's hot!
Tenga Egg
We have heard such nice things from boys who have tried the Tenga Egg, the Sh! Girlz are a little bit jealous we can't test it ourselves! The textured tube, along with special lube, is a perfect boy-toy for giving a fellah a great solo experience. It's not meant to imitate a lady-garden, it's purely designed on the idea that, hey, boys like to feel enclosed. And as for 'the sort of thing lonely Japanese businessmen use in their pod hotel rooms' - way to stereotype much? We reckon there's lots of fun uses for the Tenga Eggs that can involve a couple. You can involve it in foreplay, lay him down and use it on him, use it if you're not in the mood but want him to have his fun...the possibilities are endless! Alternatively, it makes a great present if your fellah's going travelling - it lends 'thinking of you' a whole new meaning!
Je Joue G-Ki
The reviewer took the independant approach to testing this, and did so in her own time without her man around. While we reckon toys that bring couples together are fantastic, we also reckon women taking time out to be sexual with themselves is a good thing, and the reviewer fearlessly did just that. Also, we agree with her that adaptability is one of the reasons we absolutely adore the G-Ki - it can be adjusted to what feels best for you, and gives perfectly placed clit and G-spot vibes at the push of a button!
Best Women's Erotic Stories 2010
This hot collection of stories - one of our latest lovely books for women - is edited by Violet Blue, a lady who knows what's what - and what's hot! She's covered a fairly broad base with her stories - 'Vegging' is one of the more far-out ones, but the wonderful Betty Dodson was doing it with aubergines in the 70's! And, this Sh! Girl's personal favourite, 'Straight-Laced' - (it's about sneaky sex in the lingerie department with an excited customer) is a pretty sweet, conventional tale with a hot twist! Of course, any
erotic collection is like a box of chocolates - you need to dip to find your favourites, but there's something there for everybody!
So, all in all - when it comes to G-Spot toys, sexy men's toys, hot DVDs and sexy books - we would, we could, and if we fancy it, we will!
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