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The Hithe Report Review

This book has to be one of the most honest and amazing representations of woman’s views on sex and their own sexuality going. With not a single man telling us what we should be thinking or feeling to be found. (How could they possibly know anyway?!).

This is a true breath of fresh air for anyone out there left feeling underwhelmed, overwhelmed, just plain confused, or as though something might be wrong with them.

This book shows us that the only thing that’s actually confusing or wrong is the ridiculous amount of disinformation out there in the first place and the outdated cultural stereotypes that woman have been expected to live up to for far too long.

The answers of each and every individual given in this report are brilliant sparks of truth adding to the much needed fire that will shed more and more light on the dark and poorly understood area of woman’s sexuality.

This is a unique and extraordinarily well researched report that has given the answers we’ve been waiting for and asked all the questions we might feel like we could never ask.

This book should be read by all women and should be considered required reading for all teenage women to give them a clear and truthful view of sex that will serve them well throughout the rest of their lives. Knowledge is power and woman’s true sexual freedom will come the day we all posses it.

Also, I don’t think it would hurt any males to read this book either as I believe they should have this much needed insight too, as it would be beneficial to us all ultimately.

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