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Sh! Girl On TV

Our lovely Sh! girl Joanna made another appearance on 'The Joy of Teen Sex' last night, talking sexy positions, corsets, and anal play. You can still catch to programme on 4 on Demand. [caption id="Sh! Corsets" align="alignright" width="150"]Vollers Corset from Sh! Sh! Corsets[/caption] The Sh! girlz are very proud of our corsets - they're the genuine article, imported from Vollers, a French manufacturer, and they look - and feel - fantastic... Being laced into a corset for the first time alters your posture, increases your curves, and really does give you a thrill! They're also ideal for burlesque and dressing-up fun...Our lovely Shop Girlz are all trained in corset fittings, so you can drop in to try one on, or buy online. A great product from Intimate Organics was also featured last night - Intimate Organics Anal Spray. This is an organic product specially for beginners. Designed to gently relax the anal muscles before play. Unlike lots of anal relxers which contain a surface anaesthetic, reducing sensation and increasing the likelihood of injury, Intimate Organics don't numb the area - they just relax the muscles and prepare you for further thrills! There's one product for fellahs, scented with lemongrass, and a ladiez product which is scented with orange - they're well worth trying out!

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