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New Sexy Books

First off -we hope you're all ready for Valentines? Here at Sh! we're all geared up - you can drop in on our Hoxton store from 12 noon til 8pm over the weekend to pick up a special Valentines pressie, and our Portobello store will be open from 11am to 7pm Saturday and Sunday for last-minute shopping too!
[caption id="Passion: Romantic Erotica For Women" align="alignleft" width="150"]The Ground-breaking Guide to Female Ejaculation Feamle Eaculation and the G-spot[/caption]
On another topic - we love our books here at Sh!...so we were very pleased to have a delivery of lots of titles, brand-new and old favourites, arrive at HQ! The first few are online now - and please watch this space for more, we've got a lot of titles to offer and something to interest everyone!
Passion: Romantic Erotica For Women
This collection of romantic erotica is great for Valentines - who says lust and loev don't mix? Romantic, passionate, and very sexy, Passion is a very hot read!
Never Have The Same Sex Twice
Alison Tyler's great guide to monogamy without monotony - including hot snippets and stories from her erotica collecton to get you in the mood and give you lots of ideas!
Same Sex In The City
What do you do if you think your Prince Charming might be a Cinderella? This is the book that answers that question - and many more - about coming out, going out, and lesbian life in the city!
Plus, we've got Deborah Sundahl's ground-breaking book Female Ejaculation and the G-spot back in stock after a long absence. It's one of the classic works on the G-spot, and a fantastic resource for ladiez who want more info on this elusive and lovely pleasure-zone.
Watch this space for lots more hot titles coming up over the next week or so. We've got great lesbian interest books, fantasies and erotica, plus some great women-focussed sex guides - they'll be posted just as fast as we can read them!
That's all from us ladiez - have a lovely weekend!

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