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Sex Toy Favorites this Week

We thought we'd give you a quick look at the sex toy favourites this week - here are the most popular sex toys bought over the weekend at Sh! Women's Erotic Emporium [caption id="Clit Pump" align="alignleft" width="100"]Clit Pump Clit Pump Vibrator[/caption] 1. The Clit Pump The vibrating clit pump is an amazing little toy! With a gentle suction cup attached to a pump, and a built-in vibe, it's fantastic for those ladiez who find arousal elusive, or those who want to experience some really intense clit vibrations. The pump draws the blood to the surface of the skin, in the same process as arousal, making it easier to get turned on. The suction will also make the clit super-sensitive, so the built-in vibrator comes in very handy! [caption id="Passion Wave" align="alignright" width="100"]Passion Wave Vibrator Passion Wave Vibrator[/caption] 2. Passion Wave Vibrator The Passion Wave vibrator is a unique rabbit vibrator. Instead of the traditional rotating head, the fantastic bunny ears are complemented by the shaft, which moves in waves for amazing internal thrills. The massaging shaft contains tiny discs that move in a perfect wave pattern, providing unique pleasure! Smartballs Teneo Uno 3. Teneo Uno The Teneo Uno is a single love ball, great for PC exercises. With a movable weight tucked inside to give the muscles some resistance, the Teneo Uno is a great toy to build up your PC strength, as well as being a nice warm-up toy for a hot night in! Coated in super-safe silicone with a stretchy string for easy removal, the Teneo Uno is ideal for wearing anywhere - at work, on the bus, or going out dancing! Here's hoping all our lovely weekend customers will have fun with their new goodies!

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