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Meet Sarah, Sh! Sex & Relationship Therapist

Meet Sarah, Sh! Sex & Relationship Therapist - Sh! Women's Store
Team Sh! are highly trained to give advice that's always individually tailored; from choosing the right sex toy to more complex questions around female pleasure, health and orgasm.
More than that, everyone who  passes our interview process has to have the 'special something' that makes us good listeners, easy to talk to, warm and  emphatic.
Giving advice will always be at the core of what we do. In a world of pressure, myths, generalizations and hype around sex and sex toys, we see Sh! as an honest, relaxed beacon, where people can be open about both the pleasures AND the pitfalls...
Whilst we ace the sex toy advice part, are whizzes with the complexity of female sexuality, and  know we do a great job in creating an atmosphere where anything and everything can be asked, we wanted at add a lovely someone who was specially trained to help with some of the more tricky questions we're asked....
Someone who can delve deeper into the mental drawers, whilst being totally in tune with the Sh! ethos...

Meet Sarah Berry - Sh! Sex  & Relationship Therapist

[caption id="attachment_31867" align="alignleft" width="275"]Sarah Berry Sarah Berry, Sh! Sex & Relationship Therapist[/caption]
Sarah Berry is a qualified and experienced psychosexual & relationship therapist. She is also an ex Sh! Girl so we know that she's down to earth and can deliver open-minded advice in an accessible way.
Having trained with the College of Sex & Relationship Therapists, Pink Therapy and The Marylebone Centre which specialises in addiction/compulsive sexuality, Sarah works as an integrative therapist with a diverse toolbox. She helps couples, singles and poly groups mange or overcome their sexual or relational difficulties.
Issues Sarah works with include sexual dysfunction, orgasm issues, loss of attraction, compulsivity, loneliness, issues with sexuality or gender, volatile/stagnant relationships, loss of attraction, opening up relationships, concerns over BDSM fantasies or practices, abuse and trauma. She has a wide knowledge of sex toys, kink practises and ways to increase intimacy.
Sarah has been featured in many publications including Marie Claire, The Daily Mail, Metro, Look, Pick Me Up, Diva, Forum, Fiesta, Bizarre, Scarlet, The Evening Standard, The Huffington Post, BuzzFeed, Time Out and Company. She has also been a guest on Radio 4’s Women’s Hour and various shows on LBC. For two years Sarah ran Fannying Around, a support group for cis and trans women to rant about, celebrate and share tips on all things vaginal.
If you would like to Sarah to answer your question on our 'Ask Sarah' page, email her  at advice@sh-womenstore.com, putting “Ask Sarah” in the subject line. Please note letters are subject to editing and ALL names changed for complete anonymity. 
For more info on Sarah visit www.sarahberrytherapy.co.uk.

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