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Do you love your nether lips? WIN a gorgeous glass dildo.

Do you love your nether lips? WIN a gorgeous glass dildo.
Labioplasty has shown the second highest rate of growth out of all plastic surgery procedure in the past year. More and more women are feeling uncomfortable or unhappy about the appearance of their vulva. If this isn't a sad trend we don't know what is... So Team Sh! decided to turn 16th of March, Lip Appreciation Day, into an opportunity encourage you to love and appreciate your own nether lips.
We've got a gorgeous Sh! glass dildo to give away and all you have to do is tell us how you feel about the appearance of your vulva. We're also really excited to hear how you feel about your lips and what we can do to help promote positive body image. So please fill in our simple survey (and share it!) for your chance to WIN this beautiful and of course sexy prize.
a Rafflecopter giveaway

This isn't the only thing we are preparing to battle the unrealistic images displayed in porn and how it’s affecting women and their sex lives. Later in the month we will also be hosting a book signing and talk with Jamie McCartney, the creator of The Great Wall of Vaginas, about art, vaginas and his motivations. His work showcases an amazing range of normal vaginas. Jamie’s casts show everything from before and after labioplasty, before and after pregnancy, after gender reassignment surgery and after vulvectomy. His amazing work shows just how much variation there is in the normal appearance of the vagina.
He was also super kind to offer to cast one of our lovely customers' vulva, but sh!, more information on this fabulous opportunity to express self love is to come.
We're really excited about this project - let's create a day of empowerment and appreciation together!

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