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Enter our September Stories Erotic Writing Competition

Enter our September Stories Erotic Writing Competition
We have all kinds of exciting erotica events happening in September. We'll be holding a workshop on writing erotica with the fabulous KD Grace and Kay Jaybee.
And before that we really think you should get in some practice.

That's right, we're asking you to send us your stories for our Erotic Writing Competition.

The theme will be 'Sex Over 50', so go wild with that, explore any and all avenues. We're looking for around 1000 words but we won't punish you if you are a little under or over.
Submissions should be sent to cassie@sh-womenstore.com with the subject line 'September Stories'.

What do I get ?

We will, of course, be rewarding you for your stunning flights of erotic fancy. The first place winner will be published on our blog and in our newsletter (which goes out to over 6000 people) as well as on social media. And may also take part in one of our erotic readings.
And you get an actual prize to! We'll give you a £15 Sh! voucher so you can extend your erotica collection and also a Sh! Cordless Wand Massager for when you need some less mental stimulation.
The second prize winner will also be mentioned in  our social media and receive a £15 Sh! voucher.
So get your fingers tapping and send us your inspired words, the competition is open to everyone, whether you've been previously published or never written a sensual word in your life.

The deadline for your entries is midnight on the 6th of September, which is Read A Book Day. Winners will be announced shortly after.

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