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There's a New Munch in Town!

There's a New Munch in Town! - Sh! Women's Store

Are you into kink? Do you want to learn more about BDSM? Are you looking to meet like-minded peeps without having to take your clothes off?

If you tick those four boxes, you're in luck: there's a new munch in town and you are invited! (For those new to the lingo, a "munch" is a casual, social gathering for peeps who are into kinky stuff.)

Hosted by Dr Lori Beth Bisbey and Terence Scott, the group will meet every 2 months, for 2 hours, and we're delighted to share that their munch will be held right here at Sh!

Who is it for?

This group is for you if you are in a Master/slave, Dominant/submissive, Owner/property relationship or seeking to create a relationship of this type and wish to learn more about how to create and maintain these relationships.

All genders, sexualities, races, religions, and cultures are invited to join.

What happens at the Munch?

Each time the group meets, there will be a topic presentation and discussion for the first half of the group and the second half will be devoted to questions, answers, and discussions. Topics will be primarily focused on power exchange/ authority transfer based relationship and elements of the relationship. There will sometimes be demonstrations of types of play and techniques.

Book your place!
Meet the Hosts

Dr Lori Beth Bisbey and Terence Scott has been involved in a power exchange (Master/slave) relationship for 10 years and been married for 4 ½ years. They both identify as part of the leather community.

Lori Beth & Terence

Lori Beth has been a slave or submissive part-time in relationships since 1978, surrendering in four long term relationships each lasting more than 2 years. Terence has been a dominant in a variety of relationships since his early 20’s.

Lori Beth regularly presents at conferences and seminars on relationships, relationship styles, sex, sexuality, and BDSM. They have presented as a couple on creating a human drum circle and creating ritual in power exchange relationships.

Lori Beth is a polyamorous cisgendered queer leather woman masochistic slave whose pronouns are she, her. Terence is a polyamorous cisgendered bisexual leather man sadistic dominant whose pronouns are he, him.

Please note: Despite the munch taking place at Sh!, one of Europe's most long-standing erotic emporiums, this is not an open invitation to get your kit off and get the party started; this is a social occasion and guests are expected to remain clothed.

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