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Scarlet Ladies, Sex Toys & Sh!

Scarlet Ladies, Sex Toys & Sh! - Sh! Women's Store

We'll be joining the fabulosities that are the Scarlet Ladies on Tuesday 13th March for an evening of fun sex toy talk.
Starting at 7pm, our talk will focus on sex toys; how to choose them and how to use them. Scarlet Ladies monthly social event  is reserved for members and special guests but if you are interested n coming along, you should take a peek at this page.
If you aren't yet ready to commit to a membership, Scarlet Ladies also host regular Open House evenings where you can check out the shenanigans before signing up. Having been to a few gatherings ourselves, we know the meet-ups are for women who are keen on normalising the conversation around female sexuality, and maybe enjoying a glass of wine whilst doing it. :)
Scarlet Ladies Social

What's New Pussycat?

The newest sex toys to make our shelves...

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