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Introduction to Tantric Sex with Jay Diamond

Introduction to Tantric Sex with Jay Diamond - Sh! Women's Store
Are you ready to take action to make the rest of your life, the best of your life? Are you ready to transition to juicer relationships and a more orgasmic life?
The ‘Introduction to Tantric Sex’ class will be hosted by Jay Diamond, a spiritual healer with more strings to her bow than most and a degree in psychology and sociology to boot.
A practicing yoga teacher, physic and coach, Jay will be drawing on a vast range of both personal and professional experiences to help attendees of the class overcome anxiety, shame and sexual assault to live more fulfilling sexual lives.
Jay has appeared in Mind, Body Green, Spirit & Destiny, Elephant Journal and Kindred Spirit Magazine to name a few and is an expert when it comes to helping individuals overcome the pain of their past and embrace a more fulfilling future.
Tantric sex is an ancient Hindu practice that encourages couples to slow down and embrace lengthy foreplay sessions to achieve more powerful orgasms. The practice isn’t goal-orientated and instead encourages those that practice it to stop thinking about the end result of sex and instead enjoy the buildup.
Jay will be sharing some exceptional techniques and practical advice that couples can take away with them to help them achieve both their romantic and sexual goals.
When: Thursday 10th May at 6.30pm
Where: Sh! 31-35 Pitfield Street, London N1 6HB  (enter through the coffee shop)
Tickets: Tickets are £20 per person and include a glass (or two!) of Prosecco.  Spaces are limited so advance booking is recommended to avoid disappointment. Book your space here.
All welcome. 
Follow Lady Jay Diamond on Twitter.
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