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Best Sex Toy Seller This Week

Lots of lovely Sh! goodies have been selling really well this Monday, but the best sex toy seller this week goes to our gorgeous Sh! strap-on harnesses! [caption id="Sh! Double Strap Harness " align="alignleft" width="150"]Sh! Double Strap Harness Sh! Double Strap Harness[/caption] The Double Strap Harness (all made by our own fair hands here at Sh!), are made of extra-soft and comfy nappa leather, has four adjustable D-rings so you can always get a perfect, comfortable fit. With two leather leg straps, rather than a 'pantie' style design, the Double Strap Harness allows access to the wearer's sexy bits, which is always a plus! The Double Strap has always been a popular choice for our lovely customers, but today it's been very much in demand. Add that it's compatible with all our gorgeous Sh! strap on dildos, as well as the ingenious Dual Dildo Strap-On Accessory, and that it's available in a range of cute colours, and you have a surefire best-ever strap on harness!

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