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Let's Talk About...Sex Event

Let's Talk About...Sex Event - Sh! Women's Store
Saturday 5th August is a date for your diaries, lovely people. Sh! along with a number of sexperts & professionals working within the sex & sexuality field will be joining Queerlective for what promises to be the Sex Education Revolution!
Let's Talk About...Sex is an immersive cabaret performance which focuses on every aspect of sex. Enter a world of sex education where you will watch provocative performances, chat to professionals - including our very own Renee - about consent, your rights, the body and much more.
Through immersive art, theatre and music you will be taken on a bold, exciting and informative exploration of all things sex.
Let's Talk About...Sex is part of TAKEOVER festival for 16-25 year olds.

*This event is for ages 18+ so please make sure you bring ID.
This event is wheelchair accessible.
Book Here: Let's Talk About...Sex

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