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Jane Thomson - Beauty in Form

Jane Thomson - Beauty in Form - Sh! Women's Store

We've got a treat for you today! Jane Thomson (who will be exhibiting at Sh! throughout March), is on the blog chatting about her fabulous exhibition, and what inspires her...

Tell us a little bit about yourself, Jane...

I love all kinds of art and how it makes me feel, how it silences my mind. I became a figurative artist because the human form has the same effect.

In all its guise, large, small, young, old…. I never tire of its beauty, its vulnerability, and the many different ways it is perceived.

As well as painting myself, I also teach art. The satisfaction of experiencing a student’s personal growth and the increased self worth brought about by their artistic development, is priceless.

Describe yourself in 3 words...

Caring, obsessive, fun.

Jane Thomson Art 2What inspired you to start painting?

From the age of four it seemed to take up all of my time! I would paint or draw on anything and everything, making things look beautiful. I found it calming and soothing, but at the same time, exhilarating, a way in which to emotionally communicate my feelings in a non verbal way.

How would you describe your style?

My current style has a flowing, gentle quality. It plays with the juxtaposition between light and dark, linking images of contrasting concepts, black on white, white on black…the smoothness of pastel and the hardness and permanence of an ink pen…

Tell us a bit more about the exhibition at Sh!

The exhibition at Sh! Is called The Beauty of Form.

My work highlights the beautiful elements of the body we all have. By illuminating areas…a hip, thigh, breast or shoulder…this increases focus on the positive aspects of our uniqueness. My sitter is always partially exposed, enticing the viewer to imagine that which doesn't visually exist on the canvas, prompting an exciting collaboration and connection.

What inspires you as an artist?

Theuse of light inspires me greatly, whether it is the natural late afternoon light that subtly casts shadows on my subject or the many ways light can be manipulated in a photographers studio. Either way…these beautiful effects take my breath away and inspire me to paint.

Who inspires you as an artist?

At the moment the exceptional talent of photographers such as Richard Chazal, John Swanell and Man Ray inspire me to create and peruse my obsession of experimenting with the many ways the stunning beauty our bodies can be expressed.

What are you working on at the moment?

I am working on a new concept which involves experimenting with lightness of touch and minimal line…increasing the viewers involvement by experimenting with the amount and type of body imagery I choose to show.

Any words of advice for aspiring artists?

Listen intently to the positive responses you have to what is visually around you. By painting or drawing with emotion, from the soul,  your work will have an effortless and amazing quality to it.

Jane will be exhibiting at Sh! Hoxton throughout March, Monday - Sunday, 12-8pm. The Preview Party will be on Friday 8th March, 6-8pm.

Sh! Women's Erotic Emporium
57 Hoxton Square
N1 6PB

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