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Guys Are You a Cunning Linginguist?

EVENT: Come and Talk to Me DATE: Thursday, August 11th 2011 LOCATION: Sh! Women’s Emporium, Unit 4 253 Portobello Road. London W11 1LR TIME: 7:30 p.m. – 9.30 p.m. COVER: £3 Inspired by the musings of Her Lil’ Black Book, Miss Love Lippz and Skye from MetAnotherFrog on June 23rd in Toronto, ten men competed to seduce the city’s finest female bloggers by the spoken word. Now – Come and Talk to Me arrives in London, presented by MetAnotherFrog at Sh! Women’s Emporium (Portobello). This event aims to settle the debate about whether or not modern men can actually hold a decent conversation. Has sexting replaced dirty talk? Has an hour-long G-Chat session replaced the “until the sun rose” marathon phone calls of the past? Come and Talk to Me is our effort to find the man who understands that great wordplay can be the most electrifying foreplay; that to unlock her legs, he must first unlock her mind. More than a few good Canadian men rose to the challenge – will you? Participants can take the stage to talk about anything they choose. They can read a passage from a book, tell the judges about their day at work or engage a lady in the audience in some sexy small talk; anything to assure women that the art of conversation is not entirely lost. Judges will provide feedback and the ladies in the audience will cast votes. The night will end with one man being named London’s most cunning linguist and the bloggers will extol the virtues of his silver tongue (and of course give away prizes). Other than the delights of our competitors’ efforts, the audience will also be treated to readings by our headliner; as well as cupcakes and refreshments. There are only about 8 spots available to compete. To register, send an email with your name, contact info and your proposed topic to erose@metanotherfrog.com before August 8th, 2011.

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