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Blindfolds & Masks

Using a blindfold for sex is an instant way to spice things up, & it can be brilliantly liberating too. Denied sight, every touch will be deliciously anticipated & blindfolding your lover can make you feel more confident.

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  • Sh! Leather Blindfold

Sex Blindfold FAQ's

When sight is denied, all other senses come alive. The blindfolded person will feel, taste, smell and hear things more acutely than usual. Exploring the senses during an erotic blindfold session will really heighten the experience.

There are no rules that say you have to use a certain type of blindfold. The fun thing about sex toys & accoutrements is that you can cherry-pick the best ones for you!
- We handmake Soft Leather Blindfolds which are super comfy to wear. (double as fantastic sleep masks;)
- We also handmake Luxury Blindfolds which cut out light and sound for an all-encompassing experience.
- Not into leather? We handmake gorgeous Satin Blindfolds with long ties, which are super-sensual.

- Bring it up when you're both comfortable,relaxed & preferably out of the bedroom, to avoid pressure.
- Asking someone what they fantasize about puts them in a vulnerable position - they might worry you'll judge them. Confiding something about yourself first help make your partner feel safe/happier to share.
- Try; "I'd love to explore blindfolds with you - they seem so sexy to use. Is that something you'd like to try sometime?"
- Their first instinct may be to say no, which is perfectly natural when someone feels out of their comfort zone.
- This is fine. Leave the thought to percolate. You may well find they bring it up when they feel ready :)

Exploring the senses during an erotic blindfold session will really heighten the experience.
- Try feeding your lover wine, chocolate, strawberries or ice – any sensual foods you know they’ll like.
- As for sound, try whispering in their ear. Blindfolding your partner gives you the perfect opportunity to practice talking dirty, especially if you’re shy or get the giggles when there’s direct eye contact.
- For sensations, try stroking an ice cube or a gentle vibrator over their body.

Blindfolds & Masks - Sh! Women's Store

Blindfolds For Sex

You can’t see your lover’s next move coming when you’re wearing a blindfold. You can’t move towards or away from it. You are totally helpless to your lover’s touch. You have no idea where, when or what the next sensation you experience will be. Will it be a delicate kiss? A lick, a flick, a caress or a spank*? [*We wouldn’t recommend a surprise spank unless you’re 100% confident your lover will love it.] This anticipation and loss of control can be incredibly sexy.

And there is another, more sensory side to blindfold sex.

When sight is denied, all other senses come alive. The blindfolded person will feel, taste, smell and hear things more acutely than usual. Exploring the senses during an erotic blindfold session will really heighten the experience...

Read more about blindfolds for sex...