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Women On Top by Nancy Friday Review

Women On Top by Nancy Friday Review - Sh! Women's Store

Explicit Fantasies for Women

As a must-read book for both women and men, we recommend Women on Top by Nancy Friday, a choice that will make much sense for those who are familiar with erotic literature aimed at women.  Nancy Friday, a psychoanalyst and socio-sexual historian, has been the leading writer on women's and men's sexual fantasies since the publication of her first book My Secret Garden in 1973.

Real Life Fantasies by Real Life Women

[caption id="attachment_23677" align="alignleft" width="250"]Women on Top £8.99 Women on Top £8.99[/caption]

Women on Top was first published 1991 and is still relevant today.

We will always suggest Nancy Friday when a customer is looking to try out a sexy book for the very first time.

Post-50 Shades there has been an influx of brand new erotic fiction for women, and we could easily suggest one of the dozens of titles on our shelves.

But – and this is what makes Nancy Friday different, her books contain real-life fantasies by real-life women.

Mind-blowingly honest, hundreds of women (and men) have shared their deepest, darkest and most lustful secrets and fantasies with us, the public, to read and enjoy.

Explicit fantasies, erotic daydreams, angry, shocking, tender or dark moments– anything and everything goes.

Nothing is forbidden and no one is judged. What Nancy Friday has managed to do is nothing short of amazing; she shared with us that other women, too, do ‘it’. ‘It’ being masturbate, of course.

Wank, flicking the bean, playing the one-stringed banjo – much like men, women too like sex, and lots of it, in all manner of positions, with and without partners, toys and other extras.

Incredibly revealing and liberating, we thoroughly recommend getting a book by Nancy Friday today.

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