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World AIDS Day 2010

Today is World Aids Day, a day organsied worldwide to spread awareness about HIV and AIDS. Sh! Is supporting World AIDS Day, with free safer sex supplies in our store, and by spreading awareness of the issue, and how to have safer sex. More than 90,000 people in the UK are living with HIV and AIDS, and worldwide it's over 30 million people. While medical advances have been made in recent years and it's possible for people with HIV and AIDS to remain healthy for longer than ever before, there is still no cure for AIDS. It's still hard for people to access helpful, practical info about safer sex. The scare-tactic posters we see in hospitals don't answer the practical questions - and certainly don't encourage us to think that safe sex can still be sexy! So the Sh! girlz have put together a list of safer sex tips that are very sexy! 1. If In Doubt, Cover Up Many people who have HIV aren't aware they have it. If you're with a new partner, play safe and use condoms, dams and gloves until you've both been tested. 2. Get an MOT Check-ups for STIs are not fun - but they're a safer sex essential. Most hospitals will have a GUM clinic, or you can look for a local walk-in clinic that can do tests and get you the results fast. Clinics will have somone you can talk to if you need to, and are completely non-judgemental and confidential. 3. Now for the fun stuff - creative latex! Finding dental dams a bit tricky to handle? The Sh! girlz have a sneaky trick for cunnilingus. Simply cut the thumb out of an unpowdered latex glove, and use it as a barrier - it gives your tongue much more flexibility to have fun! Or you can try the Pasante hands-free dental dam, which hooks round the ears and leaves your hands free for other fun things! 4. Be Prepared! Keep condoms around so it's no effort to reach for one when the moment is right. Having a Get Lucky Grrl Set or a JimmyJane Pocket Pleasure Set around is a great idea - you can keep these in a handbag, purse, or maybe glove-box - so you've always got the essentials to hand! 5. Don't let allergies cramp your safer sex style! If you react to latex, as many people do, investigate alternatives, such as latex-free dams and condoms. 6. They're awfully fiddly to put on...isn't that half the fun?' Putting on a condom doesn't have to be the awkward moment where passion stalls - it can be a fun part of the proceedings! Read up on how to put a condom on (practising on a banana is good) and then try it on your partner, combined with sensuous strokes and teasing. You can keep condoms sexy by using them as a hot part of play. 7. Lots of lube! Lubricant goes great with condoms - less friction makes them less likely to break, and also reduces the possiblity of nicks or tears in the skin which can also be a risk factor, especially with anal play. So lube up, ladiez! 8. Flavour is fun! Flavoured lubes will take the icky condom taste away if you're doing safer oral sex. Try out some water-based Fruity Lubricant Gel to make oral sex even more yummy! So, ladiez - spread the word, stay safe, and have fun!

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