Last Orders for Christmas Sex Toys...
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Sexy Christmas From Sh![/caption]
It's still not too late to buy sexy christmas pressies
We're taking Mail Orders until 3pm on the 23rd, and our brave posties are doing their very very best to deliver them to you, despite the wintery weather.
Our Hoxton and Portobello stores are both open until 6pm on Christmas Eve, for last-minute gift-buying (and of course a nice cuppa tea!)
There are also instant pressies, if you're wanting a last-minute gift solution - you can buy one of our Virtual Vouchers for someone special and it will be emailed to you instantly, so you can send it on straight away - Sh! Vouchers make a lovely surprise!
You can also buy one of our fantastic Gift Giving For Girlz - and the gift is passed on to one of our fantastic good causes that benefit women in the UK and internationally. (Plus, after Christmas, we'll send you a Sh! Fridge Magnet as a thank you for supporting these great causes).
So, don't panic - there's still plenty of time for you to sort out those last few pressies - or just a hot treat for yourself!