The Mammoth Book of Gorgeous Guys - Review
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The Mammoth Book of Gorgeous Guys - Review

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I was delighted to receive a copy of The Mammoth Book of Gorgeous Guys to review, but I must admit it’s taken me a while to get down to it.  Why? Well, I found that, actually, whilst the prospect of ogling 400 guys with their cocks out may seem like the best treat ever, there really can be too much of a good thing! I had to do it in stages so not to suffer penis-overload.


The book contains an impressive collection of 400 images by nearly 50 photographers (a substantial number of these are women, hurrah!), complied into a look-book of male flesh and gorgeousness, by Editor Barbara Cardy.


As Barbara points out, we each have our own ideas about what is sexy, attractive or downright beautiful, but to give you some idea of what you’ll find between the pages: tight tushies, oiled-up torsos, waxed sacks, massive erections, flaccid manhoods, semi-on’s tucked away in tight, white briefs… It’s all in there!



Some of the images went right over my head (page 26, for example); some turned me right off (page 415 ~ Whoa Nelly, put that away before you hurt someone!); some were incredibly beautiful and should be made into bookmarks (page 450) and, of course, there is a selection of homo-erotic images (the book may be aimed at heterosexual women, but I have no doubt the pictures will be thoroughly enjoyed by anyone who likes his meat & two veg).


After having shown the book around to colleagues and female customers, I have come to the conclusion that the most popular images are the ones that do not seem posed; your every-day male doing every-day things like showering, cooking or polishing his boots (page 399, Sara Saudkova). This bodes well for the average male - regular guys doing regular things are hot and gorgeous! Page 379 (by Alexis Rodriguez-Duaret) is a great example of this; a naked man relaxing on his bed, licking his palm, seemingly about to rub one out… Whoo!


My personal favourite must get a special mention ~ page 287 by Diana More. This awesome fella can come use my shower anytime! This photo had me open-jawed and googly-eyed, thinking some incredibly filthy thoughts about showergel and wet tiles…


Ahem. Moving swiftly on!


I’m a huge fan of Holly Revell’s work, so very pleased to see several of her images included in the book. Holly has her Dark Room Installation images on show at Sh! Hoxton until the end of August. This sensual collection of work won her a Gold Cock this year, so well worth seeing! The expo is free, and as per usual we ask that gents are accompanied by a woman, or visit on Gent’s Night on Tuesdays, 6-8pm.


The Mammoth Book of Gorgeous Guys may not have won a Gold Cock (but certainly contains a number of mighty fine ones) but can be drooled over right here at Sh! Hoxton…


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